Javascript SDK
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    Javascript SDK

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    기사 요약

    Classic/VPC 환경에서 이용 가능합니다.

    Javascript SDK for Swift API

    OpenStack에서 제공하는 Javascript SDK를 이용하여 네이버 클라우드 플랫폼[공공기관용] Archive Storage를 사용하는 방법을 설명합니다.

    이 문서는 openstack-swift-client 2.1.0 버전을 기준으로 작성되었습니다.


    npm install --save openstack-swift-client@2.1.0



    예제에서 사용하는 user, key는 포탈 마이페이지 > 계정 관리 > 인증키 관리 에서 생성한 API 인증키를 사용합니다. (Access Key ID는 username, Secret Key는 password)
    projectId와 domainId 정보는 Archive Storage 콘솔에서 이용 신청 후 [API 이용 정보 확인] 버튼을 통해 확인할 수 있습니다.

    컨테이너(버킷) 생성

    const SwiftClient = require('openstack-swift-client');
    let credentials = {
      endpointUrl: '',
      username: 'ACCESS_KEY',
      password: 'SECRET_KEY',
      domainId: 'DOMAIN_ID',
      projectId: 'PROJECT_ID'
    // swift client
    const client = new SwiftClient(
      new SwiftClient.KeystoneV3Authenticator(credentials)
    const container_name = 'sample-container';
    (async () => {
        await client.create(container_name);

    컨테이너(버킷) 목록 조회

    const SwiftClient = require('openstack-swift-client');
    let credentials = {
      endpointUrl: '',
      username: 'ACCESS_KEY',
      password: 'SECRET_KEY',
      domainId: 'DOMAIN_ID',
      projectId: 'PROJECT_ID'
    // swift client
    const client = new SwiftClient(
      new SwiftClient.KeystoneV3Authenticator(credentials)
    (async () => {
        let response = await client.list();
        console.log('Container List');
        for(let container of response) {
            > Count = ${container.count}
            > Last Modified = ${container.last_modified}
            > Name = ${}
            > Bytes = ${container.bytes}`);

    컨테이너(버킷) 삭제

    const SwiftClient = require('openstack-swift-client');
    let credentials = {
      endpointUrl: '',
      username: 'ACCESS_KEY',
      password: 'SECRET_KEY',
      domainId: 'DOMAIN_ID',
      projectId: 'PROJECT_ID'
    // swift client
    const client = new SwiftClient(
      new SwiftClient.KeystoneV3Authenticator(credentials)
    const container_name = 'sample-container';
    (async () => {
        await client.delete(container_name);

    디렉토리 오브젝트 생성

    const SwiftClient = require('openstack-swift-client');
    const fs = require('fs');
    let credentials = {
      endpointUrl: '',
      username: 'ACCESS_KEY',
      password: 'SECRET_KEY',
      domainId: 'DOMAIN_ID',
      projectId: 'PROJECT_ID'
    // swift client
    const client = new SwiftClient(
      new SwiftClient.KeystoneV3Authenticator(credentials)
    const container_name = 'sample-container';
    const object_name = 'sample-directory';
    const extra_header = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/directory'
    (async () => {
        await client.create(`${container_name}/${object_name}/`, null, null, extra_header)

    오브젝트 업로드

    const SwiftClient = require('openstack-swift-client');
    const fs = require('fs');
    let credentials = {
      endpointUrl: '',
      username: 'ACCESS_KEY',
      password: 'SECRET_KEY',
      domainId: 'DOMAIN_ID',
      projectId: 'PROJECT_ID'
    // swift client
    const client = new SwiftClient(
      new SwiftClient.KeystoneV3Authenticator(credentials)
    const container_name = 'sample-container';
    const object_name = 'sample-object';
    const local_file_name = '/tmp/test.txt';
    const extra_header = {
        'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
    const container = client.container(container_name);
    (async () => {
        await container.create(object_name, fs.createReadStream(local_file_name), null, extra_header);

    오브젝트 목록 조회

    const SwiftClient = require('openstack-swift-client');
    let credentials = {
      endpointUrl: '',
      username: 'ACCESS_KEY',
      password: 'SECRET_KEY',
      domainId: 'DOMAIN_ID',
      projectId: 'PROJECT_ID'
    // swift client
    const client = new SwiftClient(
      new SwiftClient.KeystoneV3Authenticator(credentials)
    const container_name = 'sample-container';
    const container = client.container(container_name);
    (async () => {
        let response = await container.list(container_name);
        for(let object of response) {
            > Content Type = ${object.content_type}
            > Last Modified = ${object.last_modified}
            > Name = ${}
            > Bytes = ${object.bytes}`);

    오브젝트 다운로드

    const SwiftClient = require('openstack-swift-client');
    const fs = require('fs');
    let credentials = {
      endpointUrl: '',
      username: 'ACCESS_KEY',
      password: 'SECRET_KEY',
      domainId: 'DOMAIN_ID',
      projectId: 'PROJECT_ID'
    // swift client
    const client = new SwiftClient(
      new SwiftClient.KeystoneV3Authenticator(credentials)
    const container_name = 'sample-container';
    const object_name = 'sample-object';
    const local_file_path = '/tmp/test';
    const container = client.container(container_name);
    (async () => {
        const stream = fs.createWriteStream(local_file_path);
        await container.get(encodeURIComponent(object_name), stream);

    오브젝트 삭제

    const SwiftClient = require('openstack-swift-client');
    let credentials = {
      endpointUrl: '',
      username: 'ACCESS_KEY',
      password: 'SECRET_KEY',
      domainId: 'DOMAIN_ID',
      projectId: 'PROJECT_ID'
    // swift client
    const client = new SwiftClient(
      new SwiftClient.KeystoneV3Authenticator(credentials)
    const container_name = 'sample-container';
    const object_name = 'sample-object';
    const container = client.container(container_name);
    (async () => {
        await container.delete(encodeURIComponent(object_name));

    대용량 오브젝트 업로드

    const SwiftClient = require('openstack-swift-client');
    const fs = require('fs');
    const crypto = require('crypto');
    const { Readable } = require('stream');
    let credentials = {
      endpointUrl: '',
      username: 'ACCESS_KEY',
      password: 'SECRET_KEY',
      domainId: 'DOMAIN_ID',
      projectId: 'PROJECT_ID'
    // swift client
    const client = new SwiftClient(
      new SwiftClient.KeystoneV3Authenticator(credentials)
    const container_name = 'sample-container';
    const object_name = 'large-file';
    const local_file_name = '/tmp/large-file';
    const segment_container_name = 'sample-container-segments';
    const segment_prefix = `${object_name}/segment-`;
    const segment_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10MB
    const container = client.container(container_name);
    const segment_container = client.container(segment_container_name);
    async function bufferToStream(buffer) {
        return new Readable({
            read() {
    (async () => {
        const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(local_file_name, { highWaterMark: segment_size });
        let segments = [];
        let index = 0;
        for await (const chunk of fileStream) {
            const segment_name = `${segment_prefix}-part-${index}`;
            const etag = crypto.createHash('md5').update(chunk).digest('hex');
            const stream = await bufferToStream(chunk);
            console.log(`segment upload: ${segment_name} (${chunk.length} bytes)`);
            await segment_container.create(segment_name, stream, null, null);
                path: `/${segment_container_name}/${segment_name}`,
                etag: etag
        console.log("All segments uploaded.");
        // Manifest
        const slo_manifest = JSON.stringify(segments);
        // upload manifest
        await container.create(`${object_name}?multipart-manifest=put`, await bufferToStream(slo_manifest), null, {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        console.log(`SLO upload: ${object_name}`);

    이 문서가 도움이 되었습니까?

    What's Next
    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.