수집되는 리소스 작업 내역 목록
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    수집되는 리소스 작업 내역 목록

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    기사 요약

    Classic/VPC 환경에서 이용 가능합니다.

    Cloud Activity Tracer에 수집되는 리소스 작업 내역 목록


    상품리소스 유형리소스 작업 이력
    ServerACGCreate AccessControlGroup
    ServerACGDelete AccessControlGroup
    ServerACGUpdate AccessControlGroup Rules
    ServerInitScriptCreate Init Script
    ServerInitScriptDelete Init Script
    ServerInitScriptModify Init Script
    ServerNetworkInterfaceCreate NetworkInterface
    ServerNetworkInterfaceTerminate NetworkInterface
    ServerPrivateSubnetCreate PrivateSubnet
    ServerPrivateSubnetTerminate PrivateSubnet
    ServerPublicIPAssociate Public IP with Server
    ServerPublicIPCreate Public IP
    ServerPublicIPDissociate Public IP from Server
    ServerPublicIPRelease Public IP Address
    ServerPublicIPReplace Server associated with Public IP
    ServerServerAttaching Network Interface to Server
    ServerServerChange Login Key
    ServerServerChange Server Name
    ServerServerCrash Server Instance
    ServerServerDetaching Network Interface from Server
    ServerServerEnable/disable server termination protection
    ServerServerForcing Server Shutdown
    ServerServerReinstall Operating System(OS)
    ServerServerReset Root Password
    ServerServerServer Creation
    ServerServerServer Restart
    ServerServerServer Spec Change
    ServerServerServer Start
    ServerServerServer Termination
    ServerServerShutdown Server Instance
    ServerServerStopping Server
    ServerSnapshotCreate Snapshot Instance
    ServerSnapshotDelete Snapshot Instance
    ServerStorageAttach Block Storage to Server
    ServerStorageCreate Block Storage
    ServerStorageDelete Block Storage
    ServerStorageDetach Block Storage from Server
    ServerStorageResize Block Storage
    Server (VPC)ACGCreate ACG
    Server (VPC)ACGDelete ACG
    Server (VPC)ACGUpdate ACG Rule (Complete)
    Server (VPC)ACGUpdate ACG Rule (Request)
    Server (VPC)InitScriptDelete Init Script
    Server (VPC)InitScriptModify Init Configuration Script
    Server (VPC)InitScriptRegister Init Configuration Script
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceAssign Secondary Ips (Complete)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceAssign Secondary Ips (Request)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceAttach Network Interface (Complete)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceAttach Network Interface (Request)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceCreate Network Interface
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceCreate Network Interface (Complete)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceCreate Network Interface (Request)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceDelete Network Interface
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceDelete Network Interface (Complete)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceDelete Network Interface (Request)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceDetach Network Interface (Complete)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceDetach Network Interface (Request)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceDisable Flow Log
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceEnable Flow Log
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceUnassign Secondary Ips (Complete)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceUnassign Secondary Ips (Request)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceUpdate ACG on Network Interface (Complete)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceUpdate ACG on Network Interface(Request)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceUpdate Secondary Ips (Complete)
    Server (VPC)NetworkInterfaceUpdate Secondary Ips (Request)
    Server (VPC)PublicIPAssociate Public IP
    Server (VPC)PublicIPCreate Public IP
    Server (VPC)PublicIPDelete Public IP
    Server (VPC)PublicIPDisassociate Public IP
    Server (VPC)ServerAttach Virtual Network Interface
    Server (VPC)ServerChange Login Key
    Server (VPC)ServerChange Server Instance Return Protection Yn
    Server (VPC)ServerChange Server Instance Spec
    Server (VPC)ServerChange Server Name
    Server (VPC)ServerCrash Server Instance
    Server (VPC)ServerCreate Server Instance
    Server (VPC)ServerDetach Virtual Network Interface
    Server (VPC)ServerForce To Operate Server Instance
    Server (VPC)ServerReboot Server Instance
    Server (VPC)ServerReinstall Operating System(OS)
    Server (VPC)ServerRemove Server Instance From Placement Group
    Server (VPC)ServerReset Root Password
    Server (VPC)ServerServer Termination
    Server (VPC)ServerShutdown Server Instance
    Server (VPC)ServerStart Server Instance
    Server (VPC)ServerStopping Server
    Server (VPC)ServerUpdate Placement Group Of Server Instance
    Server (VPC)ServerImageChange My Server Image Description
    Server (VPC)ServerImageCreate My Server Image
    Server (VPC)ServerImageDelete My Server Image
    Server (VPC)ServerImageMake Copy Image of a Server
    Server (VPC)ServerImageModify My Server Image Shared Attribute
    Server (VPC)SnapshotCreate Snapshot Instance
    Server (VPC)SnapshotDelete Snapshot Instance
    Server (VPC)StorageAttach Block Storage
    Server (VPC)StorageChange Block Storage Instance Return Protection Yn
    Server (VPC)StorageCreating Block Storage
    Server (VPC)StorageDeleting Block Storage
    Server (VPC)StorageDetach Block Storage
    Server (VPC)StorageResize Block Storage
    Auto ScalingAutoScalingGroupCreate AutoScaling group
    Auto ScalingAutoScalingGroupDelete AutoScaling group
    Auto ScalingAutoScalingGroupUpdate AutoScaling group
    Auto ScalingLaunchConfigurationCreate launch configuration
    Auto ScalingLaunchConfigurationDelete launch configuration
    Auto Scaling (VPC)AutoScalingGroupAdd Server Instance to AutoScaling group
    Auto Scaling (VPC)AutoScalingGroupCreate AutoScaling group
    Auto Scaling (VPC)AutoScalingGroupDelete AutoScaling group
    Auto Scaling (VPC)AutoScalingGroupDelete Server Instance from AutoScaling group
    Auto Scaling (VPC)AutoScalingGroupUpdate AutoScaling group
    Auto Scaling (VPC)LaunchConfigurationCreate launch configuration
    Auto Scaling (VPC)LaunchConfigurationDelete launch configuration
    Cloud FunctionsActionCreate action
    Cloud FunctionsActionDelete action
    Cloud FunctionsActionUpdate action
    Cloud FunctionsNamespaceCreate namepsace
    Cloud FunctionsNamespaceDelete namepsace
    Cloud FunctionsNamespaceUpdate namepsace
    Cloud FunctionsPackageCreate package
    Cloud FunctionsPackageDelete package
    Cloud FunctionsPackageUpdate package
    Cloud FunctionsTriggerCreate trigger
    Cloud FunctionsTriggerDelete trigger
    Cloud FunctionsTriggerUpdate trigger
    Container RegistryImageCreate image
    Container RegistryImageDelete image
    Container RegistryImageUpdate image
    Container RegistryRegistryCreate registry
    Container RegistryRegistryDelete registry
    Container RegistryRegistryUpdate registry
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterAdd Subnet
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterChange Cluster
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterCreate Cluster
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterDelete Cluster
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterDownload KUBECONFIG
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterRequest Change Cluster
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterRequest Create Cluster
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterRequest Delete Cluster
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterRequest Update OIDC
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterRequest Upgrade Master
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterUpdate Audit Log
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterUpdate IP ACL
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterUpdate Init Script
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterUpdate KUBECONFIG
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterUpdate LB Subnet
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterUpdate OIDC
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterUpdate Pod Security Policy
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)ClusterUpgrade Master
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)NodePoolChange NodePool
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)NodePoolCreate NodePool
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)NodePoolDelete NodePool
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)NodePoolRequest Change NodePool
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)NodePoolRequest Create NodePool
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)NodePoolRequest Delete NodePool
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)NodePoolRequest Update Node Pool Labels
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)NodePoolRequest Update Node Pool Taints
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)NodePoolUpdate Node Pool Labels
    Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)NodePoolUpdate Node Pool Taints


    상품리소스 유형리소스 작업 이력
    Object StorageBucketCreate bucket
    Object StorageBucketCreate bucket metric filter
    Object StorageBucketDelete bucket
    Object StorageBucketDelete bucket metric filter
    Object StorageBucketDelete bucket request
    Object StorageBucketUpdate bucket metric filter
    Object StorageLifeCyclePolicyComplete LifeCyclePolicy
    Object StorageLifeCyclePolicyCreate LifeCyclePolicy
    Object StorageLifeCyclePolicyDelete LifeCyclePolicy
    Object StorageLifeCyclePolicyStart LifeCyclePolicy
    Object StorageLifeCyclePolicyUpdate Status of LifeCyclePolicy
    NASCIFSChange CIFS account password
    NASCIFSCreate CIFS account
    NASEventConfigure instance monitoring event
    NASEventDelete instance monitoring event item
    NASEventUnset instance monitoring event
    NASVolumeConfig snapshot volume
    NASVolumeConfigure instance monitoring event
    NASVolumeCreate snapshot
    NASVolumeCreate volume
    NASVolumeDelete instance monitoring event item
    NASVolumeDelete snapshot
    NASVolumeDestroy volume
    NASVolumeModify volume return protection
    NASVolumeModify volume size
    NASVolumeRestore snapshot volume
    NASVolumeSet access control
    NASVolumeSet access control with server termination
    NASVolumeUnset instance monitoring event
    NAS (VPC)CIFSChange CIFS account password
    NAS (VPC)CIFSCreate CIFS account
    NAS (VPC)CIFSFail to change CIFS account password
    NAS (VPC)VolumeConfig snapshot volume
    NAS (VPC)VolumeConfigure instance monitoring event
    NAS (VPC)VolumeCreate snapshot
    NAS (VPC)VolumeCreate volume
    NAS (VPC)VolumeDelete instance monitoring event item
    NAS (VPC)VolumeDelete snapshot
    NAS (VPC)VolumeDestroy volume
    NAS (VPC)VolumeModify volume return protection
    NAS (VPC)VolumeModify volume size
    NAS (VPC)VolumeRestore snapshot volume
    NAS (VPC)VolumeSet access control
    NAS (VPC)VolumeSet access control with server termination
    NAS (VPC)VolumeUnset instance monitoring event
    Archive StorageContainerCreate Container
    Archive StorageContainerDelete Container


    상품리소스 유형리소스 작업 이력
    Load BalancerInstanceAdd Server Instance to LoadBalancer
    Load BalancerInstanceChange HTTP Keep Alive Option
    Load BalancerInstanceChange LoadBalancer Description
    Load BalancerInstanceChange LoadBalancer Process Count
    Load BalancerInstanceChange LoadBalancer Servers
    Load BalancerInstanceChange LoadBalancer configuration
    Load BalancerInstanceCreate LoadBalancer instance
    Load BalancerInstanceDelete LoadBalancer instance
    Load BalancerInstanceDelete Server Instance from LoadBalancer
    Load BalancerInstanceLoadBalancer Scale In
    Load BalancerInstanceLoadBalancer Scale Out
    Load Balancer (VPC)ListenerChange Listener
    Load Balancer (VPC)ListenerCreate Listener
    Load Balancer (VPC)ListenerDelete Listener
    Load Balancer (VPC)LoadBalancerChange LoadBalancer Instance Subnet
    Load Balancer (VPC)LoadBalancerChange LoadBalancer instance
    Load Balancer (VPC)LoadBalancerChange Loadbalancer Instance Description
    Load Balancer (VPC)LoadBalancerCreate LoadBalancer Instance
    Load Balancer (VPC)LoadBalancerDelete LoadBalancer Instance
    Load Balancer (VPC)RuleChange Rule
    Load Balancer (VPC)RuleCreate Rule
    Load Balancer (VPC)RuleDelete Rule
    Load Balancer (VPC)TargetGroupAdd Targets
    Load Balancer (VPC)TargetGroupBind TargetGroup
    Load Balancer (VPC)TargetGroupChange TargetGroup
    Load Balancer (VPC)TargetGroupChange TargetGroup Description
    Load Balancer (VPC)TargetGroupChange TargetGroup HealthCheck
    Load Balancer (VPC)TargetGroupChange TargetGroup Target
    Load Balancer (VPC)TargetGroupCreate TargetGroup
    Load Balancer (VPC)TargetGroupDelete TargetGroup
    Load Balancer (VPC)TargetGroupRemove Targets
    Load Balancer (VPC)TargetGroupUnbind TargetGroup
    CDN+ServiceCreate CDN instance
    CDN+ServiceModify CDN instance
    CDN+ServiceRequest purge
    CDN+ServiceReturn CDN Instance List
    CDN+ServiceStart CDN instanceList
    CDN+ServiceStop CDN instanceList
    Global CDNServiceCreate global CDN instance
    Global CDNServiceModify global CDN instance
    Global CDNServiceRequest purge
    Global CDNServiceReturn global CDN instance
    Global CDNServiceStart global CDN instance
    Global CDNServiceStop global CDN instance
    VPC (VPC)NATGatewayCreate NAT Gateway
    VPC (VPC)NATGatewayDelete NAT Gateway
    VPC (VPC)NetworkACLCreate Network ACL
    VPC (VPC)NetworkACLDelete Network ACL (Complete)
    VPC (VPC)NetworkACLDelete Network ACL (Request)
    VPC (VPC)NetworkACLUpdate Network ACL Rule
    VPC (VPC)NetworkACLUpdate Network ACL Rule (Complete)
    VPC (VPC)NetworkACLUpdate Network ACL Rule (Request)
    VPC (VPC)NetworkACLUpdate Network ACL Subnet (Complete)
    VPC (VPC)NetworkACLUpdate Network ACL Subnet (Request)
    VPC (VPC)NetworkACLDenyAllowGroupcreate NetworkACL Deny-AllowGroup
    VPC (VPC)NetworkACLDenyAllowGroupdelete NetworkACL Deny-Allow Group
    VPC (VPC)NetworkACLDenyAllowGroupdelete NetworkACL Deny-Allow Group Request
    VPC (VPC)NetworkACLDenyAllowGroupupdate NetworkACL DenyAllowGroup Complete
    VPC (VPC)NetworkACLDenyAllowGroupupdate NetworkACL DenyAllowGroup request
    VPC (VPC)OnPremiseGatewayCreate On-Premise Gateway
    VPC (VPC)OnPremiseGatewayDelete On-Premise Gateway
    VPC (VPC)OnPremiseGatewayUpdate On-Premise Gateway Routes
    VPC (VPC)RouteTableCreate Route Table
    VPC (VPC)RouteTableDelete Route Table
    VPC (VPC)RouteTableMigartion Route table
    VPC (VPC)RouteTableUpdate Route Table Route
    VPC (VPC)RouteTableUpdate Route Table Route (Complete)
    VPC (VPC)RouteTableUpdate Route Table Route (Request)
    VPC (VPC)RouteTableUpdate Route Table Subnet
    VPC (VPC)RouteTableUpdate Route Table Subnet (Complete)
    VPC (VPC)RouteTableUpdate Route Table Subnet (Request)
    VPC (VPC)SubnetCreate Subnet (Complete)
    VPC (VPC)SubnetCreate Subnet (Request)
    VPC (VPC)SubnetDelete Subnet (Complete)
    VPC (VPC)SubnetDelete Subnet (Request)
    VPC (VPC)VPCCreate VPC (Complete)
    VPC (VPC)VPCCreate VPC (Request)
    VPC (VPC)VPCDelete VPC (Complete)
    VPC (VPC)VPCDelete VPC (Request)
    VPC (VPC)VPCPeeringAccept VPC Peering
    VPC (VPC)VPCPeeringCreate VPC Peering
    VPC (VPC)VPCPeeringDelete VPC Peering
    VPC (VPC)VPCPeeringReject VPC Peering
    VPC (VPC)VirtualPrivateGatewayCreate Virtual Private Gateway
    VPC (VPC)VirtualPrivateGatewayDelete Virtual Private Gateway
    Managed IPsec VPN (VPC)IPsecVPNCreate Managed IPsec VPN (Request)
    Managed IPsec VPN (VPC)IPsecVPNCreate ManagedIPsec VPN (Complete)
    Managed IPsec VPN (VPC)IPsecVPNDelete Managed IPsec VPN
    Global DNSDomainApply DNS
    Global DNSDomainCreate DNS
    Global DNSDomainDelete DNS
    Global DNSDomainDnssec Apply DNS
    Global DNSDomainRollback DNS
    Global DNSDomainSave DNS
    Global DNSRecordCreate Record
    Global DNSRecordDelete Record
    Global DNSRecordUpdate Record


    상품리소스 유형리소스 작업 이력
    Cloud DB for MySQLServerADD Recovery DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServerADD Slave DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServerChange Server Name
    Cloud DB for MySQLServerChange To High Availability
    Cloud DB for MySQLServerChange To Stand Alone
    Cloud DB for MySQLServerCreate Master DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServerCreate New DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServerDB Server Failover
    Cloud DB for MySQLServerDelete DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServerExport Backup to Object Storage
    Cloud DB for MySQLServerExport DB Log to Object Storage
    Cloud DB for MySQLServerRestart DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceChange DB Server Spec
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceChange DB Version
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceChange Log Rotate
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceChange Server Name
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceChange Service Name
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceChange To High Availability
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceChange To Stand Alone
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceCreate Cloud DB Service
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceCreate DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceCreate New DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceCreate Public Domain
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceCreate Public Ip
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceCreate Recovery Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceCreate Slave DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceCreate Standby Master DB
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceDB Server Failover
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceDB Server auto fail-over
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceDelete Cloud DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceDelete Cloud DB Service
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceDelete Failed DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceDelete Public Domain
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceDelete Public Ip
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceDelete Service
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceDestroy Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceExport To Object Storage
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceFailover Master DB
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceInit DB Service
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceReinstall Slave DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceRestart DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceSkip Replication Error
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceStart DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceStop DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceSwap Memory
    Cloud DB for MySQLServiceUpgrade Cloud DB Service
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerAdd Recovery DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerAttach Public Domain To Server
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerChange DB Server Name
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerChange DB Server Spec
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerChange Data Storage Size
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerChange Server To High Availability
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerChange Server To Stand Alone
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerCreate DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerCreate Standby Master DB Server Due to Change of Multi Zone
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerDB Server Failover
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerDelete DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerDelete Standby Master DB Server Due to Change of Multi Zone
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerDetach Public Domain To Server
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerExport DB Log to Object Storage
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerKill Multiple Session
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerReinstall Slave DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerReinstall Standby Master DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerRestart DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerSkip Replication Error of DB Server
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerSwitch to Master DB Server Due to Failover
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerSwitch to Standby Master DB Server Due to Failover
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServerTake Over Server
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceAdd Slave Server To Service
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceChange Backup Setting
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceChange DB Service Spec
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceChange Log Rotate
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceChange Lower Case Table Names
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceChange Multi Zone
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceChange Service Name
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceChange Service To High Availability
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceChange Service To Stand Alone
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceChange Swap Memory
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceConfigure DB Plugin
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceCreate Cloud DB Service
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceCreate Public Domain
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceDB Service Auto Failover
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceDB Service Manual Failover
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceDelete Cloud DB Service
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceDelete Log
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceDelete Public Domain
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceExport Backup to Object Storage
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceSave DB Config
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceSync Acl Console
    Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)ServiceUpgrade Cloud DB Service
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServerAttach Public Domain To Server
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServerChange Data Storage Size
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServerChange Server Spec
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServerCreate MongoDB Server
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServerCreate MongoDB Server Due To Restoration
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServerDelete MongoDB Server
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServerDetach Public Domain To Server
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServerRestart DB Server
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServiceAdd Server To MongoDB Service
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServiceAttach Public Domain To Service
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServiceChange MongoDB Service Spec
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServiceCreate MongoDB Service
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServiceDelete MongoDB Service
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServiceDelete Server From MongoDB Service
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServiceDetach Public Domain To Service
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServiceExport Backup to Object Storage
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServiceRestore MongoDB Service
    Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)ServiceUpgrade Cloud DB Service
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ConfigGroupCreate Config Group
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ConfigGroupDelete Config Group
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ConfigGroupUpdate Config Value
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServerChange DB Server Name
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServerChange Server Spec
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServerCreate Redis Server
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServerCreate Redis Server Due to Restoration
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServerDelete Redis Server
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServerFailover Redis Server
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServerRestart DB Server
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)Serverflush All
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServiceChange Backup Setting
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServiceChange DB Server Name
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServiceChange Service Spec
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServiceCreate Manual Backup
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServiceCreate Redis Service
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServiceDelete Manual Backup
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServiceDelete Redis Service
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServiceExport Backup To Object Storage
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServiceFailover Redis Service
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServiceRestore Redis Service
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServiceUpdate Config Group
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServiceUpdate Config Value In Service
    Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)ServiceUpgrade Cloud DB Service
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerAttach Public Domain To Server
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerCancel SQL
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerChange DB Server Spec
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerChange Data Storage Size
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerChange Server To High Availability
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerChange Server To Stand Alone
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerCreate DB Server
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerCreate DB Server Due to Restoration
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerDelete DB Server
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerDelete PostgreSQL Log
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerDetach Public Domain To Server
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerExport PostgreSQL Log To Object Storage
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerRestart DB Server
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerSwitch to Primary DB Server Due To Failover
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerSwitch to Promary DB Server Due To Failover
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerSwitch to Secondary DB Server Due To Failover
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServerTerminate Session
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServiceAdd Read Replica DB Server To Service
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServiceChange DB Service Name
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServiceChange DB Service Spec
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServiceChange DB Service To High Availablilty
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServiceChange DB Service To Standalone
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServiceChange Log Setting
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServiceCreate DB Service
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServiceDelete DB Service
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServiceExport Backup To Object Storage
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServiceModify User
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServicePerform DB Failover
    Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)ServiceRestore Backup To Create New Service
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ConfigGroupChange Config Group Value
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ConfigGroupCreate Config Group
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ConfigGroupDelete Config Group
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerAdjust Read Time
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerAttach Public Domain To Server
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerChange Data Storage Size
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerChange Server Spec
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerChange Server To High Availability
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerChange Server To Stand Alone
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerCreate DB Server
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerCreate DB Server Due to Restoration
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerDB Server Failover
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerDelete DB Server
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerDetach Public Domain To Server
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerExport DB Log to Object Storage
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerRestart DB Server
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerSwitch to Mirror DB Server Due to Failover
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServerSwitch to Principal DB Server Due to Failover
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceAdd Slave Server To Service
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceChange Backup Setting
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceChange Config Group
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceChange Config Group Value in Cluster
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceChange DB Service Spec
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceChange Service Name
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceChange Service To High Availability
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceChange Service To Stand Alone
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceConfigure AuditLog
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceCreate Cloud DB Service
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceDB Service Auto Failover
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceDelete Cloud DB Service
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceDelete Slave Server From Service
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceExport Backup To Object Storage
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceRestart DB Service With Failover
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceRestore Backup to Create New Service
    Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)ServiceUpgrade Cloud DB Service


    상품리소스 유형리소스 작업 이력
    Resource ManagerGroupAttach Group
    Resource ManagerGroupCreate group
    Resource ManagerGroupDelete group
    Resource ManagerGroupDetach Group
    Resource ManagerGroupUpdate group
    Resource ManagerTagAttach Tag To Resources
    Resource ManagerTagDetach Tag From Resources
    Cloud Activity TracerTracerCreate Tracer
    Cloud Activity TracerTracerDelete Tracer
    Cloud Activity TracerTracerRetry Export
    Cloud Activity TracerTracerUpdate Tracer
    Web service Monitoring SystemURLCreate Filter
    Web service Monitoring SystemURLCreate Monitoring
    Web service Monitoring SystemURLCreate Service
    Web service Monitoring SystemURLDelete Filter
    Web service Monitoring SystemURLDelete Monitoring
    Web service Monitoring SystemURLDelete Service
    Web service Monitoring SystemURLUpdate Alarm
    Web service Monitoring SystemURLUpdate Filter
    Web service Monitoring SystemURLUpdate Location
    Web service Monitoring SystemURLUpdate Monitoring
    Web service Monitoring SystemURLUpdate Service
    Web service Monitoring SystemURLUpdate Setting
    Sub AccountGroupAdd sub account to group
    Sub AccountGroupAttach policy to group
    Sub AccountGroupCreate group
    Sub AccountGroupDelete group
    Sub AccountGroupDelete sub account from group
    Sub AccountGroupDetach policy from group
    Sub AccountGroupReplace policy to group
    Sub AccountGroupUpdate group
    Sub AccountPolicyCreate policy
    Sub AccountPolicyDelete policy
    Sub AccountPolicyUpdate policy
    Sub AccountRoleAttach Entities To Role
    Sub AccountRoleAttach Policies To Role
    Sub AccountRoleAttach Role To Entities
    Sub AccountRoleCreate Role
    Sub AccountRoleCreate STS credentials
    Sub AccountRoleDelete Role
    Sub AccountRoleDetach Entities From Role
    Sub AccountRoleDetach Policies From Role
    Sub AccountRoleDetach Role From Entities
    Sub AccountRoleReplace Policies To Role
    Sub AccountRoleSuspend Role
    Sub AccountRoleSwitch To Role
    Sub AccountRoleUnsuspend Role
    Sub AccountRoleUpdate Role
    Sub AccountSubAccountAdd sub account to group
    Sub AccountSubAccountAttach policy to sub account
    Sub AccountSubAccountChange password
    Sub AccountSubAccountCreate STS credentials
    Sub AccountSubAccountCreate access key
    Sub AccountSubAccountCreate sub account
    Sub AccountSubAccountDelete sub account from group
    Sub AccountSubAccountDetach policy from sub account
    Sub AccountSubAccountDisable access key
    Sub AccountSubAccountEnable access key
    Sub AccountSubAccountExpire STS Credentials
    Sub AccountSubAccountLogin
    Sub AccountSubAccountRemove access key
    Sub AccountSubAccountRemove sub account
    Sub AccountSubAccountReplace policy to sub account
    Sub AccountSubAccountReset secondary authentication
    Sub AccountSubAccountSuspend sub account
    Sub AccountSubAccountUnsuspend sub account
    Sub AccountSubAccountUpdate accessKey access control rules
    Sub AccountSubAccountUpdate console access control rules
    Sub AccountSubAccountUpdate sub account
    Sub AccountTenantDelete login url
    Sub AccountTenantUpdate login url
    Sub AccountTenantUpdate password expiration settings
    Sub AccountTenantUpdate session expiration settings
    OrganizationAccountGroupChange Account Group Name
    OrganizationAccountGroupCreate Account Group
    OrganizationAccountGroupDelete Account Group
    OrganizationAccountGroupMove Account Group
    OrganizationOrganizationCreate Organization
    OrganizationOrganizationDelete Organization
    OrganizationOrganizationForced Withdrawal
    OrganizationOrganizationInvitation Accepted
    OrganizationOrganizationInvitation Cancelled
    OrganizationOrganizationInvitation Rejected
    OrganizationOrganizationInvited to Organization
    OrganizationOrganizationMove Account
    OrganizationOrganizationWithdrawal Approved
    OrganizationOrganizationWithdrawal Rejected
    OrganizationOrganizationWithdrawal Request Cancelled
    OrganizationOrganizationWithdrawal Requested
    OrganizationQuotaPolicyAttach Quota Policy
    OrganizationQuotaPolicyChange Quota Policy Name
    OrganizationQuotaPolicyCreate Quota Policy
    OrganizationQuotaPolicyDelete Quota Policy
    OrganizationQuotaPolicyDetach Quota Policy
    OrganizationQuotaPolicyUpdate Quota Policy
    Cloud Insight (Monitoring)DashboardCreate Dashboard
    Cloud Insight (Monitoring)DashboardDelete Dashboard
    Cloud Insight (Monitoring)DashboardUpdate Dashboard
    Cloud Insight (Monitoring)EventRuleCreate EventRule
    Cloud Insight (Monitoring)EventRuleDelete EventRule
    Cloud Insight (Monitoring)EventRuleUpdate EventRule
    Cloud Insight (Monitoring)PMCreate Planned Maintenance
    Cloud Insight (Monitoring)PMDelete Planned Maintenance
    Cloud Insight (Monitoring)PMUpdate Planned Maintenance
    Cloud Log AnalyticsAnalyticsCancel Cloud Log Analytics
    Cloud Log AnalyticsAnalyticsComplete For Exporting To Object Storage
    Cloud Log AnalyticsAnalyticsDisable Auto Export
    Cloud Log AnalyticsAnalyticsEnable Auto Export
    Cloud Log AnalyticsAnalyticsRequest For Exporting To Object Storage
    Cloud Log AnalyticsAnalyticsSubscribe To Cloud Log Analytics
    Cloud Log AnalyticsAnalyticsUpdate Server Log Setting
    Cloud Log AnalyticsAlarmCreate Alarm Rules
    Cloud Log AnalyticsAlarmDelete Alarm Rules
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)ApplicationCreate Application
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)ApplicationDelete Application
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)ApplicationUpdate Application
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)AssignmentAssign target to assignment
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)AssignmentChange assignment status
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)AssignmentCreate assignment
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)AssignmentDelete assignment
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)AssignmentDisable assignment status
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)AssignmentEnable assignment status
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)AssignmentRemove target from assignment
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)AssignmentUpdate assignment
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)CustomerLogin
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)GroupAdd user
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)GroupCreate group
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)GroupDelete group
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)GroupRemove from assignment
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)GroupRemove user
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)GroupUpdate group
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)IP ACLCreate IP ACL
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)IP ACLUpdate IP ACL
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)IP ACLDelete IP ACL
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)IP ACLAdd To Assignment
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)IP ACLRemove From Assignment
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)PermissionSetCreate permission set
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)PermissionSetDelete permission set
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)PermissionSetRemove permission set policy
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)PermissionSetUpdate permission set
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)SubAccountLogin
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)TenantCreate Tenant
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)TenantCreate external IdP
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)TenantDelete Tenant
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)TenantDelete external IdP
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)TenantDisable organization
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)TenantEnable organization
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)TenantUpdate Tenant
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)TenantUpdate attribute mapper
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)TenantUpdate external IdP
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)TenantUpdate external IdP login config
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserAccess api
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserAccess console
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserAdd to assignment
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserAdd to group
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserChange user status
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserCreate User
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserDelete User
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserDelete active console session
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserDisable user status
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserEnable user status
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserLogin
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserRemove from assignment
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserRemove from group
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserUpdate User
    Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO)UserAccess api

    AI / Application Service

    상품리소스 유형리소스 작업 이력
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceAlimTalkTemplateCancel template approval
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceAlimTalkTemplateCancel template request
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceAlimTalkTemplateCreate template
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceAlimTalkTemplateDelete template
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceAlimTalkTemplateRelease template dormant status
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceAlimTalkTemplateUpdate template
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceKakaoTalkChannelBizMessage registration request
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceKakaoTalkChannelComplete delete bizMessage
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceKakaoTalkChannelDelete bizMessage
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceKakaoTalkChannelDelete due to bizMessage transfer
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceKakaoTalkChannelRelease bizMessage dormant status
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceKakaoTalkChannelRestore bizMessage
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceKakaoTalkChannelSet Failover Config
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceKakaoTalkChannelTransfer bizMessage
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceKakaoTalkChannelUpdate bizMessage status
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceProjectCreate project
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceProjectDelete Project
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceProjectUpdate Project
    Simple & Easy Notification ServicePushChannelCreate channel
    Simple & Easy Notification ServicePushChannelDelete channel
    Simple & Easy Notification ServicePushChannelUpdate channel
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceScheduleCreate schedule
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceScheduleDelete schedule
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceScheduleUpdate schedule
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceSmsBlockTelNumber080 block service cancel request
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceSmsBlockTelNumber080 block service delete complete
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceSmsBlockTelNumber080 block service delete request
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceSmsBlockTelNumber080 block service registration complete
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceSmsBlockTelNumber080 block service registration request
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceSmsCallingNumberSMS sender number registration approve
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceSmsCallingNumberSMS sender number registration delete
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceSmsCallingNumberSMS sender number registration progress
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceSmsCallingNumberSMS sender number registration re-request
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceSmsCallingNumberSMS sender number registration reject
    Simple & Easy Notification ServiceSmsCallingNumberSMS sender number registration request
    API GatewayAPICreate api
    API GatewayAPIDelete api
    API GatewayAPIUpdate api
    API GatewayAPIKeyCreate apiKey
    API GatewayAPIKeyDelete apiKey
    API GatewayAPIKeyUpdate apiKey
    API GatewayAuthorizerCreate Authorizer
    API GatewayAuthorizerDelete Authorizer
    API GatewayAuthorizerUpdate Authorizer
    API GatewayCertificateCreate Certificate
    API GatewayCertificateDelete Certificate
    API GatewayCertificateUpdate Certificate
    API GatewayProductCreate Product
    API GatewayProductDelete Product
    API GatewayProductUpdate Product
    API GatewayUsagePlanCreate usagePlan
    API GatewayUsagePlanDeleteusagePlan
    API GatewayUsagePlanUpdate usagePlan
    Cloud Outbound MailerRecipientGroupAdd recipient group
    Cloud Outbound MailerRecipientGroupAdd recipient list via Excel file upload
    Cloud Outbound MailerRecipientGroupChange recipient group
    Cloud Outbound MailerRecipientGroupDelete address
    Cloud Outbound MailerRecipientGroupDelete address all from recipient group
    Cloud Outbound MailerRecipientGroupDelete address from recipient group
    Cloud Outbound MailerRecipientGroupDelete all address
    Cloud Outbound MailerRecipientGroupDelete recipient group
    Cloud Outbound MailerRecipientGroupGenerate address book
    Cloud Outbound MailerRecipientGroupInitialize address book
    Cloud Outbound MailerRecipientGroupInsert Address
    Cloud Outbound MailerRecipientGroupUpdate recipient group
    Cloud Outbound MailerTemplateCreate template
    Cloud Outbound MailerTemplateDelete template
    Cloud Outbound MailerTemplateImport Template From Json File
    Cloud Outbound MailerTemplateRollback template
    Cloud Outbound MailerTemplateUpdate template
    Cloud Outbound MailerTemplateUpdate template name or location
    Cloud Outbound MailerUnsubscribeAdd unsubscribe list
    Cloud Outbound MailerUnsubscribeDelete unsubscribe list
    Cloud Outbound MailerUnsubscribeUnsubscribe by recipient
    GeoLocationGeoLocationDownload Usage Statistics
    GeoLocationGeoLocationSubscribe Geolocation
    GeoLocationGeoLocationUnsubscribe Geolocation
    GeoLocationGeoLocationUpdate Notification Setting
    GeoLocationGeoLocationUpdate Quota
    CLOVA ChatbotDomainCreate Domain
    CLOVA ChatbotDomainDelete Domain
    CLOVA ChatbotDomainUpdate Domain
    CLOVA ChatbotDomainGroupAdd Domain to Domain Group
    CLOVA ChatbotDomainGroupCreate Domain Group
    CLOVA ChatbotDomainGroupDelete Domain Group
    CLOVA ChatbotDomainGroupRemove Domain From Domain Group
    CLOVA OCRDomainCreate Domain
    CLOVA OCRDomainDelete Domain
    CLOVA OCRDomainUpdate Domain
    AI·NAVER APIApplicationCreate Application
    AI·NAVER APIApplicationDelete Application
    AI·NAVER APIApplicationModify Application
    AI·NAVER APIApplicationReset SecretKey
    Ncloud Simple RabbitMQ (VPC)ClusterCreate Cluster
    Ncloud Simple RabbitMQ (VPC)ClusterDelete Cluster
    Ncloud Simple RabbitMQ (VPC)ClusterRequest for Cluster Creation
    Ncloud Simple RabbitMQ (VPC)ClusterUpdate Cluster


    상품리소스 유형리소스 작업 이력
    Secure ZoneAddressGroupAdd address group
    Secure ZoneAddressGroupDelete address group
    Secure ZoneAddressGroupDelete address group by close
    Secure ZoneAddressGroupUpdate address group
    Secure ZonePolicyAdd policy
    Secure ZonePolicyDelete policy
    Secure ZonePolicyDelete policy by close
    Secure ZonePolicyUpdate policy
    Site Safer (New)GroupAdd Cycle to Group
    Site Safer (New)GroupAdd Url to Group
    Site Safer (New)GroupChange Group Status
    Site Safer (New)GroupCreate Group
    Site Safer (New)GroupDelete Cycle from Group
    Site Safer (New)GroupDelete Group
    Site Safer (New)GroupDelete Url from Group
    Site Safer (New)GroupInspection Completed
    File Safer (NEW)SaferCheck Hash
    File Safer (NEW)SaferGet HashCheck Log
    File Safer (NEW)SaferGet InputFile Log
    File Safer (NEW)SaferInput File
    File Safer (NEW)SaferRemove Threshold NotiConfig FileFilter
    File Safer (NEW)SaferRemove Threshold NotiConfig HashFilter
    File Safer (NEW)SaferSet NotiConfig FileFilter
    File Safer (NEW)SaferSet NotiConfig HashFilter
    File Safer (NEW)SaferSet Threshold NotiConfig FileFilter
    File Safer (NEW)SaferSet Threshold NotiConfig HashFilter
    File Safer (NEW)SaferSubscribe FileSafer
    File Safer (NEW)SaferUnsubscribe FileSafer
    Web Security CheckerCheckerAccept terms
    Web Security CheckerCheckerCancle diagnostic task
    Web Security CheckerCheckerCreate diagnostic task
    Web Security CheckerCheckerGet diagnostic report
    Web Security CheckerCheckerStop diagnostic task
    System Security CheckerCheckerAccept terms
    System Security CheckerCheckerExecute checker
    System Security CheckerCheckerInquiry report
    System Security CheckerCheckerRevocation of product use
    Security Monitoring (New)AVAccept terms
    Security Monitoring (New)AVChange contract
    Security Monitoring (New)AVCreate contract
    Security Monitoring (New)AVDelete contract
    Security Monitoring (New)AVRequest except
    Security Monitoring (New)DDoSAccept terms
    Security Monitoring (New)DDoSChange contract
    Security Monitoring (New)DDoSCreate contract
    Security Monitoring (New)DDoSDelete contract
    Security Monitoring (New)DDoSRequest except
    Security Monitoring (New)IDSAccept terms
    Security Monitoring (New)IDSChange contract
    Security Monitoring (New)IDSCreate contract
    Security Monitoring (New)IDSDelete contract
    Security Monitoring (New)IDSRequest except
    Security Monitoring (New)IPSAccept terms
    Security Monitoring (New)IPSChange contract
    Security Monitoring (New)IPSCreate contract
    Security Monitoring (New)IPSDelete contract
    Security Monitoring (New)IPSRequest except
    Security Monitoring (New)WAFAccept terms
    Security Monitoring (New)WAFChange contract
    Security Monitoring (New)WAFCreate contract
    Security Monitoring (New)WAFDelete contract
    Security Monitoring (New)WAFRequest except
    Security Monitoring (VPC)AVChange contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)AVCreate contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)AVDelete contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)AVRequest except
    Security Monitoring (VPC)DDoSChange contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)DDoSCreate contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)DDoSDelete contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)DDoSRequest except
    Security Monitoring (VPC)IDSChange contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)IDSCreate contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)IDSDaily Use Resource
    Security Monitoring (VPC)IDSDelete contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)IDSRequest except
    Security Monitoring (VPC)IPSChange contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)IPSCreate contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)IPSDelete contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)IPSRequest except
    Security Monitoring (VPC)WAFChange contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)WAFCreate contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)WAFDelete contract
    Security Monitoring (VPC)WAFRequest except
    Key Management ServiceKeyAdd key permission
    Key Management ServiceKeyCreate key
    Key Management ServiceKeyDelete key
    Key Management ServiceKeyDelete key permission
    Key Management ServiceKeyEdit key config
    Key Management ServiceKeyRotate key
    Certificate ManagerCertificateChange certificate
    Certificate ManagerCertificateCreate certificate
    Certificate ManagerCertificateDelete certificate
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetAgent status changed
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetConfirm webshell behavior detection item
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetDelete webshell behavior detection item
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetDisable agent
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetDiscard exceptions for items classified as exceptions
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetEnable agent
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetExcept webshell behavior detection item
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetIsolate suspected webshell file
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetModify detection target's memo
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetModify excepted webshell behavior detection item's memo
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetModify suspected webshell file's memo
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetModify webshell behavior detection item's memo
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetRegister detection target
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetRestore suspected webshell file
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetUncofirm webshell behavior detection item
    WebShell Behavior DetectorDetectionTargetUnregister detection target
    WebShell Behavior DetectorExceptionRuleAdd exception rule
    WebShell Behavior DetectorExceptionRuleDelete exception rule
    WebShell Behavior DetectorExceptionRuleModify memo
    WebShell Behavior DetectorExceptionRuleRestore deleted exception rule
    WebShell Behavior DetectorNotificationSet notification interval
    WebShell Behavior DetectorServerGroupCreate server group
    WebShell Behavior DetectorServerGroupDelete server group
    WebShell Behavior DetectorServerGroupModify server group name
    WebShell Behavior DetectorServerGroupMove the detection target to a server group
    Hardware Security ModuleConnectionAdd HSM mapping
    Hardware Security ModuleConnectionCreate connection
    Hardware Security ModuleConnectionDelete HSM Mapping
    Hardware Security ModuleConnectionDelete connection
    Hardware Security ModuleHSMCreate HSM
    Hardware Security ModuleHSMDelete HSM
    Hardware Security ModuleHSMUpdate HSM status
    Private CACAActivate Sub CERT
    Private CACACreate Private Root
    Private CACACreate Private Sub
    Private CACADestroy CA
    Private CACAGenerate Sub CSR

    Developer Tools

    상품리소스 유형리소스 작업 이력
    SourceCommitRepositoryChange repository
    SourceCommitRepositoryCreate repository
    SourceCommitRepositoryDelete repository
    SourceBuildProjectCreate project
    SourceBuildProjectDelete project
    SourceBuildProjectUpdate project
    SourceDeployProjectChange project
    SourceDeployProjectCreate project
    SourceDeployProjectDelete project
    SourceDeployScenarioChange scenario
    SourceDeployScenarioCreate scenario
    SourceDeployScenarioDelete scenario
    SourceDeployStageChange stage
    SourceDeployStageCreate stage
    SourceDeployStageDelete stage
    SourcePipelineProjectChange project
    SourcePipelineProjectCreate project
    SourcePipelineProjectDelete project
    SourceDeploy (VPC)ProjectChange project
    SourceDeploy (VPC)ProjectCreate project
    SourceDeploy (VPC)ProjectDelete project
    SourceDeploy (VPC)ScenarioChange scenario
    SourceDeploy (VPC)ScenarioCreate scenario
    SourceDeploy (VPC)ScenarioDelete scenario
    SourceDeploy (VPC)StageChange stage
    SourceDeploy (VPC)StageCreate stage
    SourceDeploy (VPC)StageDelete stage
    SourcePipeline (VPC)ProjectChange project
    SourcePipeline (VPC)ProjectCreate project
    SourcePipeline (VPC)ProjectDelete project


    상품리소스 유형리소스 작업 이력
    Cloud HadoopClusterAttach Public IP
    Cloud HadoopClusterCreate Hadoop Cluster
    Cloud HadoopClusterDecrease DataNode
    Cloud HadoopClusterDelete Hadoop Cluster
    Cloud HadoopClusterDetach Public IP
    Cloud HadoopClusterIncrease DataNode
    Cloud HadoopClusterReset Auth Key
    Cloud HadoopClusterconfig backup
    Cloud HadoopClusterreset admin password
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)ClusterBackup Cluster Config
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)ClusterChange Cluster Node Count
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)ClusterChange Cluster Node Spec
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)ClusterChange Login Key
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)ClusterCluster Config Backup
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)ClusterCreate Cluster
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)ClusterDelete Cluster
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)ClusterReset Password
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)ClusterSave Hive Meta Store
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)NotebookCreate Notebook
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)NotebookDelete Notebook
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)ServerChange Server Spec
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)ServerCreate Server
    Cloud Hadoop (VPC)ServerDelete Server
    Cloud SearchDomainChange autocomplete complete
    Cloud SearchDomainChange autocomplete request
    Cloud SearchDomainChange container complete
    Cloud SearchDomainChange container request
    Cloud SearchDomainChange domain name
    Cloud SearchDomainChange domain type complete
    Cloud SearchDomainChange domain type request
    Cloud SearchDomainChange schema complete
    Cloud SearchDomainChange schema request
    Cloud SearchDomainCreate domain complete
    Cloud SearchDomainDelete domain complete
    Cloud SearchDomainDelete domain request
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterChange Cluster Node Count Complete
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterChange Cluster Node Count Request
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterChange SSH Key Complete
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterChange SSH Key Request
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterChange Search Engine User Password Complete
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterChange Search Engine User Password Request
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterChange Spec Node Complete
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterChange Spec Node Request
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterCreate Cluster Complete
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterCreate Cluster Request
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterCreate Snapshot Complete
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterCreate Snapshot Fail
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterCreate Snapshot Partial Fail
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterCreate Snapshot Request
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterCreate Snapshot Retry Request
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterCreate Snapshot Start Fail
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterDelete Cluster Complete
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterDelete Cluster Request
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterImport Job Complete
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterImport Job Failed
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterImport Job Request
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterImport Job Stop
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterRelease Snapshot Scheduling
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterRestart Cluster Complete
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterRestart Cluster Request
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterSet Authentication Key Complete
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterSet Authentication Key Request
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterSet Cluster Using CLA Complete
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterSet Cluster Using CLA Request
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ClusterSet Snapshot Scheduling
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ServerCreate Server
    Search Engine Service (VPC)ServerDelete Server
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterChange CMAK Password Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterChange CMAK Password Request
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterChange Cluster Node Count Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterChange Cluster Node Count Request
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterChange Kafka Config Group Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterChange Kafka Config Group Request
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterChange Spec Node Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterChange Spec Node Request
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterCreate Cluster Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterCreate Cluster Request
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterDelete Cluster Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterDelete Cluster Request
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterDisable Public Domain
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterDisable Public Endpoint Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterDisable Public Endpoint Request
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterDownload Certification File
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterEnable Public Domain
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterEnable Public Endpoint Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterEnable Public Endpoint Request
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterRestart CMAK Service Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterRestart CMAK Service Request
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterRestart Kafka Cluster Service Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterRestart Kafka Cluster Service Request
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterRestart Kafka Service Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterRestart Kafka Service Request
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterSet Cluster Using CLA Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceClusterSet Cluster Using CLA Request
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceConfigGroupCreate Kafka Config Group
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceConfigGroupDelete Kafka Config Group
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceConfigGroupModify Kafka Config Group
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceServerCreate Server
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceServerDelete Server
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceServerRestart CMAK Server Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceServerRestart CMAK Server Request
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceServerRestart Kafka Server Complete
    Cloud Data Streaming ServiceServerRestart Kafka Server Request

    이 문서가 도움이 되었습니까?

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.