수집되는 리소스 작업 내역 목록
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수집되는 리소스 작업 내역 목록
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Cloud Activity Tracer에 수집되는 리소스 작업 내역 목록
상품 | 리소스 유형 | 리소스 작업 이력 |
Server | ACG | Create AccessControlGroup |
Server | ACG | Delete AccessControlGroup |
Server | ACG | Update AccessControlGroup Rules |
Server | InitScript | Create Init Script |
Server | InitScript | Delete Init Script |
Server | InitScript | Modify Init Script |
Server | NetworkInterface | Create NetworkInterface |
Server | NetworkInterface | Terminate NetworkInterface |
Server | PrivateSubnet | Create PrivateSubnet |
Server | PrivateSubnet | Terminate PrivateSubnet |
Server | PublicIP | Associate Public IP with Server |
Server | PublicIP | Create Public IP |
Server | PublicIP | Dissociate Public IP from Server |
Server | PublicIP | Release Public IP Address |
Server | PublicIP | Replace Server associated with Public IP |
Server | Server | Attaching Network Interface to Server |
Server | Server | Change Login Key |
Server | Server | Change Server Name |
Server | Server | Crash Server Instance |
Server | Server | Detaching Network Interface from Server |
Server | Server | Enable/disable server termination protection |
Server | Server | Forcing Server Shutdown |
Server | Server | Reinstall Operating System(OS) |
Server | Server | Reset Root Password |
Server | Server | Server Creation |
Server | Server | Server Restart |
Server | Server | Server Spec Change |
Server | Server | Server Start |
Server | Server | Server Termination |
Server | Server | Shutdown Server Instance |
Server | Server | Stopping Server |
Server | Snapshot | Create Snapshot Instance |
Server | Snapshot | Delete Snapshot Instance |
Server | Storage | Attach Block Storage to Server |
Server | Storage | Create Block Storage |
Server | Storage | Delete Block Storage |
Server | Storage | Detach Block Storage from Server |
Server | Storage | Resize Block Storage |
Server (VPC) | ACG | Create ACG |
Server (VPC) | ACG | Delete ACG |
Server (VPC) | ACG | Update ACG Rule (Complete) |
Server (VPC) | ACG | Update ACG Rule (Request) |
Server (VPC) | InitScript | Delete Init Script |
Server (VPC) | InitScript | Modify Init Configuration Script |
Server (VPC) | InitScript | Register Init Configuration Script |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Assign Secondary Ips (Complete) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Assign Secondary Ips (Request) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Attach Network Interface (Complete) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Attach Network Interface (Request) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Create Network Interface |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Create Network Interface (Complete) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Create Network Interface (Request) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Delete Network Interface |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Delete Network Interface (Complete) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Delete Network Interface (Request) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Detach Network Interface (Complete) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Detach Network Interface (Request) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Disable Flow Log |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Enable Flow Log |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Unassign Secondary Ips (Complete) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Unassign Secondary Ips (Request) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Update ACG on Network Interface (Complete) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Update ACG on Network Interface(Request) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Update Secondary Ips (Complete) |
Server (VPC) | NetworkInterface | Update Secondary Ips (Request) |
Server (VPC) | PublicIP | Associate Public IP |
Server (VPC) | PublicIP | Create Public IP |
Server (VPC) | PublicIP | Delete Public IP |
Server (VPC) | PublicIP | Disassociate Public IP |
Server (VPC) | Server | Attach Virtual Network Interface |
Server (VPC) | Server | Change Login Key |
Server (VPC) | Server | Change Server Instance Return Protection Yn |
Server (VPC) | Server | Change Server Instance Spec |
Server (VPC) | Server | Change Server Name |
Server (VPC) | Server | Crash Server Instance |
Server (VPC) | Server | Create Server Instance |
Server (VPC) | Server | Detach Virtual Network Interface |
Server (VPC) | Server | Force To Operate Server Instance |
Server (VPC) | Server | Reboot Server Instance |
Server (VPC) | Server | Reinstall Operating System(OS) |
Server (VPC) | Server | Remove Server Instance From Placement Group |
Server (VPC) | Server | Reset Root Password |
Server (VPC) | Server | Server Termination |
Server (VPC) | Server | Shutdown Server Instance |
Server (VPC) | Server | Start Server Instance |
Server (VPC) | Server | Stopping Server |
Server (VPC) | Server | Update Placement Group Of Server Instance |
Server (VPC) | ServerImage | Change My Server Image Description |
Server (VPC) | ServerImage | Create My Server Image |
Server (VPC) | ServerImage | Delete My Server Image |
Server (VPC) | ServerImage | Make Copy Image of a Server |
Server (VPC) | ServerImage | Modify My Server Image Shared Attribute |
Server (VPC) | Snapshot | Create Snapshot Instance |
Server (VPC) | Snapshot | Delete Snapshot Instance |
Server (VPC) | Storage | Attach Block Storage |
Server (VPC) | Storage | Change Block Storage Instance Return Protection Yn |
Server (VPC) | Storage | Creating Block Storage |
Server (VPC) | Storage | Deleting Block Storage |
Server (VPC) | Storage | Detach Block Storage |
Server (VPC) | Storage | Resize Block Storage |
Auto Scaling | AutoScalingGroup | Create AutoScaling group |
Auto Scaling | AutoScalingGroup | Delete AutoScaling group |
Auto Scaling | AutoScalingGroup | Update AutoScaling group |
Auto Scaling | LaunchConfiguration | Create launch configuration |
Auto Scaling | LaunchConfiguration | Delete launch configuration |
Auto Scaling (VPC) | AutoScalingGroup | Add Server Instance to AutoScaling group |
Auto Scaling (VPC) | AutoScalingGroup | Create AutoScaling group |
Auto Scaling (VPC) | AutoScalingGroup | Delete AutoScaling group |
Auto Scaling (VPC) | AutoScalingGroup | Delete Server Instance from AutoScaling group |
Auto Scaling (VPC) | AutoScalingGroup | Update AutoScaling group |
Auto Scaling (VPC) | LaunchConfiguration | Create launch configuration |
Auto Scaling (VPC) | LaunchConfiguration | Delete launch configuration |
Cloud Functions | Action | Create action |
Cloud Functions | Action | Delete action |
Cloud Functions | Action | Update action |
Cloud Functions | Namespace | Create namepsace |
Cloud Functions | Namespace | Delete namepsace |
Cloud Functions | Namespace | Update namepsace |
Cloud Functions | Package | Create package |
Cloud Functions | Package | Delete package |
Cloud Functions | Package | Update package |
Cloud Functions | Trigger | Create trigger |
Cloud Functions | Trigger | Delete trigger |
Cloud Functions | Trigger | Update trigger |
Container Registry | Image | Create image |
Container Registry | Image | Delete image |
Container Registry | Image | Update image |
Container Registry | Registry | Create registry |
Container Registry | Registry | Delete registry |
Container Registry | Registry | Update registry |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Add Subnet |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Change Cluster |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Create Cluster |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Delete Cluster |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Download KUBECONFIG |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Request Change Cluster |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Request Create Cluster |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Request Delete Cluster |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Request Update OIDC |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Request Upgrade Master |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Update Audit Log |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Update IP ACL |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Update Init Script |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Update KUBECONFIG |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Update LB Subnet |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Update OIDC |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Update Pod Security Policy |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | Cluster | Upgrade Master |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | NodePool | Change NodePool |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | NodePool | Create NodePool |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | NodePool | Delete NodePool |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | NodePool | Request Change NodePool |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | NodePool | Request Create NodePool |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | NodePool | Request Delete NodePool |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | NodePool | Request Update Node Pool Labels |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | NodePool | Request Update Node Pool Taints |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | NodePool | Update Node Pool Labels |
Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) | NodePool | Update Node Pool Taints |
상품 | 리소스 유형 | 리소스 작업 이력 |
Object Storage | Bucket | Create bucket |
Object Storage | Bucket | Create bucket metric filter |
Object Storage | Bucket | Delete bucket |
Object Storage | Bucket | Delete bucket metric filter |
Object Storage | Bucket | Delete bucket request |
Object Storage | Bucket | Update bucket metric filter |
Object Storage | LifeCyclePolicy | Complete LifeCyclePolicy |
Object Storage | LifeCyclePolicy | Create LifeCyclePolicy |
Object Storage | LifeCyclePolicy | Delete LifeCyclePolicy |
Object Storage | LifeCyclePolicy | Start LifeCyclePolicy |
Object Storage | LifeCyclePolicy | Update Status of LifeCyclePolicy |
NAS | CIFS | Change CIFS account password |
NAS | CIFS | Create CIFS account |
NAS | Event | Configure instance monitoring event |
NAS | Event | Delete instance monitoring event item |
NAS | Event | Unset instance monitoring event |
NAS | Volume | Config snapshot volume |
NAS | Volume | Configure instance monitoring event |
NAS | Volume | Create snapshot |
NAS | Volume | Create volume |
NAS | Volume | Delete instance monitoring event item |
NAS | Volume | Delete snapshot |
NAS | Volume | Destroy volume |
NAS | Volume | Modify volume return protection |
NAS | Volume | Modify volume size |
NAS | Volume | Restore snapshot volume |
NAS | Volume | Set access control |
NAS | Volume | Set access control with server termination |
NAS | Volume | Unset instance monitoring event |
NAS (VPC) | CIFS | Change CIFS account password |
NAS (VPC) | CIFS | Create CIFS account |
NAS (VPC) | CIFS | Fail to change CIFS account password |
NAS (VPC) | Volume | Config snapshot volume |
NAS (VPC) | Volume | Configure instance monitoring event |
NAS (VPC) | Volume | Create snapshot |
NAS (VPC) | Volume | Create volume |
NAS (VPC) | Volume | Delete instance monitoring event item |
NAS (VPC) | Volume | Delete snapshot |
NAS (VPC) | Volume | Destroy volume |
NAS (VPC) | Volume | Modify volume return protection |
NAS (VPC) | Volume | Modify volume size |
NAS (VPC) | Volume | Restore snapshot volume |
NAS (VPC) | Volume | Set access control |
NAS (VPC) | Volume | Set access control with server termination |
NAS (VPC) | Volume | Unset instance monitoring event |
Archive Storage | Container | Create Container |
Archive Storage | Container | Delete Container |
상품 | 리소스 유형 | 리소스 작업 이력 |
Load Balancer | Instance | Add Server Instance to LoadBalancer |
Load Balancer | Instance | Change HTTP Keep Alive Option |
Load Balancer | Instance | Change LoadBalancer Description |
Load Balancer | Instance | Change LoadBalancer Process Count |
Load Balancer | Instance | Change LoadBalancer Servers |
Load Balancer | Instance | Change LoadBalancer configuration |
Load Balancer | Instance | Create LoadBalancer instance |
Load Balancer | Instance | Delete LoadBalancer instance |
Load Balancer | Instance | Delete Server Instance from LoadBalancer |
Load Balancer | Instance | LoadBalancer Scale In |
Load Balancer | Instance | LoadBalancer Scale Out |
Load Balancer (VPC) | Listener | Change Listener |
Load Balancer (VPC) | Listener | Create Listener |
Load Balancer (VPC) | Listener | Delete Listener |
Load Balancer (VPC) | LoadBalancer | Change LoadBalancer Instance Subnet |
Load Balancer (VPC) | LoadBalancer | Change LoadBalancer instance |
Load Balancer (VPC) | LoadBalancer | Change Loadbalancer Instance Description |
Load Balancer (VPC) | LoadBalancer | Create LoadBalancer Instance |
Load Balancer (VPC) | LoadBalancer | Delete LoadBalancer Instance |
Load Balancer (VPC) | Rule | Change Rule |
Load Balancer (VPC) | Rule | Create Rule |
Load Balancer (VPC) | Rule | Delete Rule |
Load Balancer (VPC) | TargetGroup | Add Targets |
Load Balancer (VPC) | TargetGroup | Bind TargetGroup |
Load Balancer (VPC) | TargetGroup | Change TargetGroup |
Load Balancer (VPC) | TargetGroup | Change TargetGroup Description |
Load Balancer (VPC) | TargetGroup | Change TargetGroup HealthCheck |
Load Balancer (VPC) | TargetGroup | Change TargetGroup Target |
Load Balancer (VPC) | TargetGroup | Create TargetGroup |
Load Balancer (VPC) | TargetGroup | Delete TargetGroup |
Load Balancer (VPC) | TargetGroup | Remove Targets |
Load Balancer (VPC) | TargetGroup | Unbind TargetGroup |
CDN+ | Service | Create CDN instance |
CDN+ | Service | Modify CDN instance |
CDN+ | Service | Request purge |
CDN+ | Service | Return CDN Instance List |
CDN+ | Service | Start CDN instanceList |
CDN+ | Service | Stop CDN instanceList |
Global CDN | Service | Create global CDN instance |
Global CDN | Service | Modify global CDN instance |
Global CDN | Service | Request purge |
Global CDN | Service | Return global CDN instance |
Global CDN | Service | Start global CDN instance |
Global CDN | Service | Stop global CDN instance |
VPC (VPC) | NATGateway | Create NAT Gateway |
VPC (VPC) | NATGateway | Delete NAT Gateway |
VPC (VPC) | NetworkACL | Create Network ACL |
VPC (VPC) | NetworkACL | Delete Network ACL (Complete) |
VPC (VPC) | NetworkACL | Delete Network ACL (Request) |
VPC (VPC) | NetworkACL | Update Network ACL Rule |
VPC (VPC) | NetworkACL | Update Network ACL Rule (Complete) |
VPC (VPC) | NetworkACL | Update Network ACL Rule (Request) |
VPC (VPC) | NetworkACL | Update Network ACL Subnet (Complete) |
VPC (VPC) | NetworkACL | Update Network ACL Subnet (Request) |
VPC (VPC) | NetworkACLDenyAllowGroup | create NetworkACL Deny-AllowGroup |
VPC (VPC) | NetworkACLDenyAllowGroup | delete NetworkACL Deny-Allow Group |
VPC (VPC) | NetworkACLDenyAllowGroup | delete NetworkACL Deny-Allow Group Request |
VPC (VPC) | NetworkACLDenyAllowGroup | update NetworkACL DenyAllowGroup Complete |
VPC (VPC) | NetworkACLDenyAllowGroup | update NetworkACL DenyAllowGroup request |
VPC (VPC) | OnPremiseGateway | Create On-Premise Gateway |
VPC (VPC) | OnPremiseGateway | Delete On-Premise Gateway |
VPC (VPC) | OnPremiseGateway | Update On-Premise Gateway Routes |
VPC (VPC) | RouteTable | Create Route Table |
VPC (VPC) | RouteTable | Delete Route Table |
VPC (VPC) | RouteTable | Migartion Route table |
VPC (VPC) | RouteTable | Update Route Table Route |
VPC (VPC) | RouteTable | Update Route Table Route (Complete) |
VPC (VPC) | RouteTable | Update Route Table Route (Request) |
VPC (VPC) | RouteTable | Update Route Table Subnet |
VPC (VPC) | RouteTable | Update Route Table Subnet (Complete) |
VPC (VPC) | RouteTable | Update Route Table Subnet (Request) |
VPC (VPC) | Subnet | Create Subnet (Complete) |
VPC (VPC) | Subnet | Create Subnet (Request) |
VPC (VPC) | Subnet | Delete Subnet (Complete) |
VPC (VPC) | Subnet | Delete Subnet (Request) |
VPC (VPC) | VPC | Create VPC (Complete) |
VPC (VPC) | VPC | Create VPC (Request) |
VPC (VPC) | VPC | Delete VPC (Complete) |
VPC (VPC) | VPC | Delete VPC (Request) |
VPC (VPC) | VPCPeering | Accept VPC Peering |
VPC (VPC) | VPCPeering | Create VPC Peering |
VPC (VPC) | VPCPeering | Delete VPC Peering |
VPC (VPC) | VPCPeering | Reject VPC Peering |
VPC (VPC) | VirtualPrivateGateway | Create Virtual Private Gateway |
VPC (VPC) | VirtualPrivateGateway | Delete Virtual Private Gateway |
Managed IPsec VPN (VPC) | IPsecVPN | Create Managed IPsec VPN (Request) |
Managed IPsec VPN (VPC) | IPsecVPN | Create ManagedIPsec VPN (Complete) |
Managed IPsec VPN (VPC) | IPsecVPN | Delete Managed IPsec VPN |
Global DNS | Domain | Apply DNS |
Global DNS | Domain | Create DNS |
Global DNS | Domain | Delete DNS |
Global DNS | Domain | Dnssec Apply DNS |
Global DNS | Domain | Rollback DNS |
Global DNS | Domain | Save DNS |
Global DNS | Record | Create Record |
Global DNS | Record | Delete Record |
Global DNS | Record | Update Record |
상품 | 리소스 유형 | 리소스 작업 이력 |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Server | ADD Recovery DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Server | ADD Slave DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Server | Change Server Name |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Server | Change To High Availability |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Server | Change To Stand Alone |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Server | Create Master DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Server | Create New DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Server | DB Server Failover |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Server | Delete DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Server | Export Backup to Object Storage |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Server | Export DB Log to Object Storage |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Server | Restart DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Change DB Server Spec |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Change DB Version |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Change Log Rotate |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Change Server Name |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Change Service Name |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Change To High Availability |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Change To Stand Alone |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Create Cloud DB Service |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Create DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Create New DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Create Public Domain |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Create Public Ip |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Create Recovery Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Create Slave DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Create Standby Master DB |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | DB Server Failover |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | DB Server auto fail-over |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Delete Cloud DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Delete Cloud DB Service |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Delete Failed DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Delete Public Domain |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Delete Public Ip |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Delete Service |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Destroy Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Export To Object Storage |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Failover Master DB |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Init DB Service |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Reinstall Slave DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Restart DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Skip Replication Error |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Start DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Stop DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Swap Memory |
Cloud DB for MySQL | Service | Upgrade Cloud DB Service |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Add Recovery DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Attach Public Domain To Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Change DB Server Name |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Change DB Server Spec |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Change Data Storage Size |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Change Server To High Availability |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Change Server To Stand Alone |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Create DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Create Standby Master DB Server Due to Change of Multi Zone |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | DB Server Failover |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Delete DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Delete Standby Master DB Server Due to Change of Multi Zone |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Detach Public Domain To Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Export DB Log to Object Storage |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Kill Multiple Session |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Reinstall Slave DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Reinstall Standby Master DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Restart DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Skip Replication Error of DB Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Switch to Master DB Server Due to Failover |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Switch to Standby Master DB Server Due to Failover |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Server | Take Over Server |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Add Slave Server To Service |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Change Backup Setting |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Change DB Service Spec |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Change Log Rotate |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Change Lower Case Table Names |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Change Multi Zone |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Change Service Name |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Change Service To High Availability |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Change Service To Stand Alone |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Change Swap Memory |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Configure DB Plugin |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Create Cloud DB Service |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Create Public Domain |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | DB Service Auto Failover |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | DB Service Manual Failover |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Delete Cloud DB Service |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Delete Log |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Delete Public Domain |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Export Backup to Object Storage |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Save DB Config |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Sync Acl Console |
Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) | Service | Upgrade Cloud DB Service |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Server | Attach Public Domain To Server |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Server | Change Data Storage Size |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Server | Change Server Spec |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Server | Create MongoDB Server |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Server | Create MongoDB Server Due To Restoration |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Server | Delete MongoDB Server |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Server | Detach Public Domain To Server |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Server | Restart DB Server |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Service | Add Server To MongoDB Service |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Service | Attach Public Domain To Service |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Service | Change MongoDB Service Spec |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Service | Create MongoDB Service |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Service | Delete MongoDB Service |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Service | Delete Server From MongoDB Service |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Service | Detach Public Domain To Service |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Service | Export Backup to Object Storage |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Service | Restore MongoDB Service |
Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) | Service | Upgrade Cloud DB Service |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | ConfigGroup | Create Config Group |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | ConfigGroup | Delete Config Group |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | ConfigGroup | Update Config Value |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Server | Change DB Server Name |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Server | Change Server Spec |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Server | Create Redis Server |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Server | Create Redis Server Due to Restoration |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Server | Delete Redis Server |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Server | Failover Redis Server |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Server | Restart DB Server |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Server | flush All |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Service | Change Backup Setting |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Service | Change DB Server Name |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Service | Change Service Spec |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Service | Create Manual Backup |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Service | Create Redis Service |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Service | Delete Manual Backup |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Service | Delete Redis Service |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Service | Export Backup To Object Storage |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Service | Failover Redis Service |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Service | Restore Redis Service |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Service | Update Config Group |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Service | Update Config Value In Service |
Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) | Service | Upgrade Cloud DB Service |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Attach Public Domain To Server |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Cancel SQL |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Change DB Server Spec |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Change Data Storage Size |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Change Server To High Availability |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Change Server To Stand Alone |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Create DB Server |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Create DB Server Due to Restoration |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Delete DB Server |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Delete PostgreSQL Log |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Detach Public Domain To Server |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Export PostgreSQL Log To Object Storage |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Restart DB Server |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Switch to Primary DB Server Due To Failover |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Switch to Promary DB Server Due To Failover |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Switch to Secondary DB Server Due To Failover |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Server | Terminate Session |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Service | Add Read Replica DB Server To Service |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Service | Change DB Service Name |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Service | Change DB Service Spec |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Service | Change DB Service To High Availablilty |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Service | Change DB Service To Standalone |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Service | Change Log Setting |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Service | Create DB Service |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Service | Delete DB Service |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Service | Export Backup To Object Storage |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Service | Modify User |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Service | Perform DB Failover |
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) | Service | Restore Backup To Create New Service |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | ConfigGroup | Change Config Group Value |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | ConfigGroup | Create Config Group |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | ConfigGroup | Delete Config Group |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Adjust Read Time |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Attach Public Domain To Server |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Change Data Storage Size |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Change Server Spec |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Change Server To High Availability |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Change Server To Stand Alone |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Create DB Server |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Create DB Server Due to Restoration |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | DB Server Failover |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Delete DB Server |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Detach Public Domain To Server |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Export DB Log to Object Storage |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Restart DB Server |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Switch to Mirror DB Server Due to Failover |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Server | Switch to Principal DB Server Due to Failover |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Add Slave Server To Service |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Change Backup Setting |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Change Config Group |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Change Config Group Value in Cluster |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Change DB Service Spec |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Change Service Name |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Change Service To High Availability |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Change Service To Stand Alone |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Configure AuditLog |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Create Cloud DB Service |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | DB Service Auto Failover |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Delete Cloud DB Service |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Delete Slave Server From Service |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Export Backup To Object Storage |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Restart DB Service With Failover |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Restore Backup to Create New Service |
Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) | Service | Upgrade Cloud DB Service |
상품 | 리소스 유형 | 리소스 작업 이력 |
Resource Manager | Group | Attach Group |
Resource Manager | Group | Create group |
Resource Manager | Group | Delete group |
Resource Manager | Group | Detach Group |
Resource Manager | Group | Update group |
Resource Manager | Tag | Attach Tag To Resources |
Resource Manager | Tag | Detach Tag From Resources |
Cloud Activity Tracer | Tracer | Create Tracer |
Cloud Activity Tracer | Tracer | Delete Tracer |
Cloud Activity Tracer | Tracer | Retry Export |
Cloud Activity Tracer | Tracer | Update Tracer |
Web service Monitoring System | URL | Create Filter |
Web service Monitoring System | URL | Create Monitoring |
Web service Monitoring System | URL | Create Service |
Web service Monitoring System | URL | Delete Filter |
Web service Monitoring System | URL | Delete Monitoring |
Web service Monitoring System | URL | Delete Service |
Web service Monitoring System | URL | Update Alarm |
Web service Monitoring System | URL | Update Filter |
Web service Monitoring System | URL | Update Location |
Web service Monitoring System | URL | Update Monitoring |
Web service Monitoring System | URL | Update Service |
Web service Monitoring System | URL | Update Setting |
Sub Account | Group | Add sub account to group |
Sub Account | Group | Attach policy to group |
Sub Account | Group | Create group |
Sub Account | Group | Delete group |
Sub Account | Group | Delete sub account from group |
Sub Account | Group | Detach policy from group |
Sub Account | Group | Replace policy to group |
Sub Account | Group | Update group |
Sub Account | Policy | Create policy |
Sub Account | Policy | Delete policy |
Sub Account | Policy | Update policy |
Sub Account | Role | Attach Entities To Role |
Sub Account | Role | Attach Policies To Role |
Sub Account | Role | Attach Role To Entities |
Sub Account | Role | Create Role |
Sub Account | Role | Create STS credentials |
Sub Account | Role | Delete Role |
Sub Account | Role | Detach Entities From Role |
Sub Account | Role | Detach Policies From Role |
Sub Account | Role | Detach Role From Entities |
Sub Account | Role | Replace Policies To Role |
Sub Account | Role | Suspend Role |
Sub Account | Role | Switch To Role |
Sub Account | Role | Unsuspend Role |
Sub Account | Role | Update Role |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Add sub account to group |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Attach policy to sub account |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Change password |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Create STS credentials |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Create access key |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Create sub account |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Delete sub account from group |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Detach policy from sub account |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Disable access key |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Enable access key |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Expire STS Credentials |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Login |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Remove access key |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Remove sub account |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Replace policy to sub account |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Reset secondary authentication |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Suspend sub account |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Unsuspend sub account |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Update accessKey access control rules |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Update console access control rules |
Sub Account | SubAccount | Update sub account |
Sub Account | Tenant | Delete login url |
Sub Account | Tenant | Update login url |
Sub Account | Tenant | Update password expiration settings |
Sub Account | Tenant | Update session expiration settings |
Organization | AccountGroup | Change Account Group Name |
Organization | AccountGroup | Create Account Group |
Organization | AccountGroup | Delete Account Group |
Organization | AccountGroup | Move Account Group |
Organization | Organization | Create Organization |
Organization | Organization | Delete Organization |
Organization | Organization | Forced Withdrawal |
Organization | Organization | Invitation Accepted |
Organization | Organization | Invitation Cancelled |
Organization | Organization | Invitation Rejected |
Organization | Organization | Invited to Organization |
Organization | Organization | Move Account |
Organization | Organization | Withdrawal Approved |
Organization | Organization | Withdrawal Rejected |
Organization | Organization | Withdrawal Request Cancelled |
Organization | Organization | Withdrawal Requested |
Organization | QuotaPolicy | Attach Quota Policy |
Organization | QuotaPolicy | Change Quota Policy Name |
Organization | QuotaPolicy | Create Quota Policy |
Organization | QuotaPolicy | Delete Quota Policy |
Organization | QuotaPolicy | Detach Quota Policy |
Organization | QuotaPolicy | Update Quota Policy |
Cloud Insight (Monitoring) | Dashboard | Create Dashboard |
Cloud Insight (Monitoring) | Dashboard | Delete Dashboard |
Cloud Insight (Monitoring) | Dashboard | Update Dashboard |
Cloud Insight (Monitoring) | EventRule | Create EventRule |
Cloud Insight (Monitoring) | EventRule | Delete EventRule |
Cloud Insight (Monitoring) | EventRule | Update EventRule |
Cloud Insight (Monitoring) | PM | Create Planned Maintenance |
Cloud Insight (Monitoring) | PM | Delete Planned Maintenance |
Cloud Insight (Monitoring) | PM | Update Planned Maintenance |
Cloud Log Analytics | Analytics | Cancel Cloud Log Analytics |
Cloud Log Analytics | Analytics | Complete For Exporting To Object Storage |
Cloud Log Analytics | Analytics | Disable Auto Export |
Cloud Log Analytics | Analytics | Enable Auto Export |
Cloud Log Analytics | Analytics | Request For Exporting To Object Storage |
Cloud Log Analytics | Analytics | Subscribe To Cloud Log Analytics |
Cloud Log Analytics | Analytics | Update Server Log Setting |
Cloud Log Analytics | Alarm | Create Alarm Rules |
Cloud Log Analytics | Alarm | Delete Alarm Rules |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Application | Create Application |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Application | Delete Application |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Application | Update Application |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Assignment | Assign target to assignment |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Assignment | Change assignment status |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Assignment | Create assignment |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Assignment | Delete assignment |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Assignment | Disable assignment status |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Assignment | Enable assignment status |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Assignment | Remove target from assignment |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Assignment | Update assignment |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Customer | Login |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Group | Add user |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Group | Create group |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Group | Delete group |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Group | Remove from assignment |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Group | Remove user |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Group | Update group |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | IP ACL | Create IP ACL |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | IP ACL | Update IP ACL |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | IP ACL | Delete IP ACL |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | IP ACL | Add To Assignment |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | IP ACL | Remove From Assignment |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | PermissionSet | Create permission set |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | PermissionSet | Delete permission set |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | PermissionSet | Remove permission set policy |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | PermissionSet | Update permission set |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | SubAccount | Login |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Tenant | Create Tenant |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Tenant | Create external IdP |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Tenant | Delete Tenant |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Tenant | Delete external IdP |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Tenant | Disable organization |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Tenant | Enable organization |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Tenant | Update Tenant |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Tenant | Update attribute mapper |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Tenant | Update external IdP |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | Tenant | Update external IdP login config |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Access api |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Access console |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Add to assignment |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Add to group |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Change user status |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Create User |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Delete User |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Delete active console session |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Disable user status |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Enable user status |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Login |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Remove from assignment |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Remove from group |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Update User |
Ncloud Single Sign-On(SSO) | User | Access api |
AI / Application Service
상품 | 리소스 유형 | 리소스 작업 이력 |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | AlimTalkTemplate | Cancel template approval |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | AlimTalkTemplate | Cancel template request |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | AlimTalkTemplate | Create template |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | AlimTalkTemplate | Delete template |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | AlimTalkTemplate | Release template dormant status |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | AlimTalkTemplate | Update template |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | KakaoTalkChannel | BizMessage registration request |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | KakaoTalkChannel | Complete delete bizMessage |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | KakaoTalkChannel | Delete bizMessage |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | KakaoTalkChannel | Delete due to bizMessage transfer |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | KakaoTalkChannel | Release bizMessage dormant status |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | KakaoTalkChannel | Restore bizMessage |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | KakaoTalkChannel | Set Failover Config |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | KakaoTalkChannel | Transfer bizMessage |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | KakaoTalkChannel | Update bizMessage status |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | Project | Create project |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | Project | Delete Project |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | Project | Update Project |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | PushChannel | Create channel |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | PushChannel | Delete channel |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | PushChannel | Update channel |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | Schedule | Create schedule |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | Schedule | Delete schedule |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | Schedule | Update schedule |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | SmsBlockTelNumber | 080 block service cancel request |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | SmsBlockTelNumber | 080 block service delete complete |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | SmsBlockTelNumber | 080 block service delete request |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | SmsBlockTelNumber | 080 block service registration complete |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | SmsBlockTelNumber | 080 block service registration request |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | SmsCallingNumber | SMS sender number registration approve |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | SmsCallingNumber | SMS sender number registration delete |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | SmsCallingNumber | SMS sender number registration progress |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | SmsCallingNumber | SMS sender number registration re-request |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | SmsCallingNumber | SMS sender number registration reject |
Simple & Easy Notification Service | SmsCallingNumber | SMS sender number registration request |
API Gateway | API | Create api |
API Gateway | API | Delete api |
API Gateway | API | Update api |
API Gateway | APIKey | Create apiKey |
API Gateway | APIKey | Delete apiKey |
API Gateway | APIKey | Update apiKey |
API Gateway | Authorizer | Create Authorizer |
API Gateway | Authorizer | Delete Authorizer |
API Gateway | Authorizer | Update Authorizer |
API Gateway | Certificate | Create Certificate |
API Gateway | Certificate | Delete Certificate |
API Gateway | Certificate | Update Certificate |
API Gateway | Product | Create Product |
API Gateway | Product | Delete Product |
API Gateway | Product | Update Product |
API Gateway | UsagePlan | Create usagePlan |
API Gateway | UsagePlan | DeleteusagePlan |
API Gateway | UsagePlan | Update usagePlan |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | RecipientGroup | Add recipient group |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | RecipientGroup | Add recipient list via Excel file upload |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | RecipientGroup | Change recipient group |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | RecipientGroup | Delete address |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | RecipientGroup | Delete address all from recipient group |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | RecipientGroup | Delete address from recipient group |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | RecipientGroup | Delete all address |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | RecipientGroup | Delete recipient group |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | RecipientGroup | Generate address book |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | RecipientGroup | Initialize address book |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | RecipientGroup | Insert Address |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | RecipientGroup | Update recipient group |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | Template | Create template |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | Template | Delete template |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | Template | Import Template From Json File |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | Template | Rollback template |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | Template | Update template |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | Template | Update template name or location |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | Unsubscribe | Add unsubscribe list |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | Unsubscribe | Delete unsubscribe list |
Cloud Outbound Mailer | Unsubscribe | Unsubscribe by recipient |
GeoLocation | GeoLocation | Download Usage Statistics |
GeoLocation | GeoLocation | Subscribe Geolocation |
GeoLocation | GeoLocation | Unsubscribe Geolocation |
GeoLocation | GeoLocation | Update Notification Setting |
GeoLocation | GeoLocation | Update Quota |
CLOVA Chatbot | Domain | Create Domain |
CLOVA Chatbot | Domain | Delete Domain |
CLOVA Chatbot | Domain | Update Domain |
CLOVA Chatbot | DomainGroup | Add Domain to Domain Group |
CLOVA Chatbot | DomainGroup | Create Domain Group |
CLOVA Chatbot | DomainGroup | Delete Domain Group |
CLOVA Chatbot | DomainGroup | Remove Domain From Domain Group |
CLOVA OCR | Domain | Create Domain |
CLOVA OCR | Domain | Delete Domain |
CLOVA OCR | Domain | Update Domain |
AI·NAVER API | Application | Create Application |
AI·NAVER API | Application | Delete Application |
AI·NAVER API | Application | Modify Application |
AI·NAVER API | Application | Reset SecretKey |
Ncloud Simple RabbitMQ (VPC) | Cluster | Create Cluster |
Ncloud Simple RabbitMQ (VPC) | Cluster | Delete Cluster |
Ncloud Simple RabbitMQ (VPC) | Cluster | Request for Cluster Creation |
Ncloud Simple RabbitMQ (VPC) | Cluster | Update Cluster |
상품 | 리소스 유형 | 리소스 작업 이력 |
Secure Zone | AddressGroup | Add address group |
Secure Zone | AddressGroup | Delete address group |
Secure Zone | AddressGroup | Delete address group by close |
Secure Zone | AddressGroup | Update address group |
Secure Zone | Policy | Add policy |
Secure Zone | Policy | Delete policy |
Secure Zone | Policy | Delete policy by close |
Secure Zone | Policy | Update policy |
Site Safer (New) | Group | Add Cycle to Group |
Site Safer (New) | Group | Add Url to Group |
Site Safer (New) | Group | Change Group Status |
Site Safer (New) | Group | Create Group |
Site Safer (New) | Group | Delete Cycle from Group |
Site Safer (New) | Group | Delete Group |
Site Safer (New) | Group | Delete Url from Group |
Site Safer (New) | Group | Inspection Completed |
File Safer (NEW) | Safer | Check Hash |
File Safer (NEW) | Safer | Get HashCheck Log |
File Safer (NEW) | Safer | Get InputFile Log |
File Safer (NEW) | Safer | Input File |
File Safer (NEW) | Safer | Remove Threshold NotiConfig FileFilter |
File Safer (NEW) | Safer | Remove Threshold NotiConfig HashFilter |
File Safer (NEW) | Safer | Set NotiConfig FileFilter |
File Safer (NEW) | Safer | Set NotiConfig HashFilter |
File Safer (NEW) | Safer | Set Threshold NotiConfig FileFilter |
File Safer (NEW) | Safer | Set Threshold NotiConfig HashFilter |
File Safer (NEW) | Safer | Subscribe FileSafer |
File Safer (NEW) | Safer | Unsubscribe FileSafer |
Web Security Checker | Checker | Accept terms |
Web Security Checker | Checker | Cancle diagnostic task |
Web Security Checker | Checker | Create diagnostic task |
Web Security Checker | Checker | Get diagnostic report |
Web Security Checker | Checker | Stop diagnostic task |
System Security Checker | Checker | Accept terms |
System Security Checker | Checker | Execute checker |
System Security Checker | Checker | Inquiry report |
System Security Checker | Checker | Revocation of product use |
Security Monitoring (New) | AV | Accept terms |
Security Monitoring (New) | AV | Change contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | AV | Create contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | AV | Delete contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | AV | Request except |
Security Monitoring (New) | DDoS | Accept terms |
Security Monitoring (New) | DDoS | Change contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | DDoS | Create contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | DDoS | Delete contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | DDoS | Request except |
Security Monitoring (New) | IDS | Accept terms |
Security Monitoring (New) | IDS | Change contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | IDS | Create contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | IDS | Delete contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | IDS | Request except |
Security Monitoring (New) | IPS | Accept terms |
Security Monitoring (New) | IPS | Change contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | IPS | Create contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | IPS | Delete contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | IPS | Request except |
Security Monitoring (New) | WAF | Accept terms |
Security Monitoring (New) | WAF | Change contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | WAF | Create contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | WAF | Delete contract |
Security Monitoring (New) | WAF | Request except |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | AV | Change contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | AV | Create contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | AV | Delete contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | AV | Request except |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | DDoS | Change contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | DDoS | Create contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | DDoS | Delete contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | DDoS | Request except |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | IDS | Change contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | IDS | Create contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | IDS | Daily Use Resource |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | IDS | Delete contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | IDS | Request except |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | IPS | Change contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | IPS | Create contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | IPS | Delete contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | IPS | Request except |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | WAF | Change contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | WAF | Create contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | WAF | Delete contract |
Security Monitoring (VPC) | WAF | Request except |
Key Management Service | Key | Add key permission |
Key Management Service | Key | Create key |
Key Management Service | Key | Delete key |
Key Management Service | Key | Delete key permission |
Key Management Service | Key | Edit key config |
Key Management Service | Key | Rotate key |
Certificate Manager | Certificate | Change certificate |
Certificate Manager | Certificate | Create certificate |
Certificate Manager | Certificate | Delete certificate |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Agent status changed |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Confirm webshell behavior detection item |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Delete webshell behavior detection item |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Disable agent |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Discard exceptions for items classified as exceptions |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Enable agent |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Except webshell behavior detection item |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Isolate suspected webshell file |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Modify detection target's memo |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Modify excepted webshell behavior detection item's memo |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Modify suspected webshell file's memo |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Modify webshell behavior detection item's memo |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Register detection target |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Restore suspected webshell file |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Uncofirm webshell behavior detection item |
WebShell Behavior Detector | DetectionTarget | Unregister detection target |
WebShell Behavior Detector | ExceptionRule | Add exception rule |
WebShell Behavior Detector | ExceptionRule | Delete exception rule |
WebShell Behavior Detector | ExceptionRule | Modify memo |
WebShell Behavior Detector | ExceptionRule | Restore deleted exception rule |
WebShell Behavior Detector | Notification | Set notification interval |
WebShell Behavior Detector | ServerGroup | Create server group |
WebShell Behavior Detector | ServerGroup | Delete server group |
WebShell Behavior Detector | ServerGroup | Modify server group name |
WebShell Behavior Detector | ServerGroup | Move the detection target to a server group |
Hardware Security Module | Connection | Add HSM mapping |
Hardware Security Module | Connection | Create connection |
Hardware Security Module | Connection | Delete HSM Mapping |
Hardware Security Module | Connection | Delete connection |
Hardware Security Module | HSM | Create HSM |
Hardware Security Module | HSM | Delete HSM |
Hardware Security Module | HSM | Update HSM status |
Private CA | CA | Activate Sub CERT |
Private CA | CA | Create Private Root |
Private CA | CA | Create Private Sub |
Private CA | CA | Destroy CA |
Private CA | CA | Generate Sub CSR |
Developer Tools
상품 | 리소스 유형 | 리소스 작업 이력 |
SourceCommit | Repository | Change repository |
SourceCommit | Repository | Create repository |
SourceCommit | Repository | Delete repository |
SourceBuild | Project | Create project |
SourceBuild | Project | Delete project |
SourceBuild | Project | Update project |
SourceDeploy | Project | Change project |
SourceDeploy | Project | Create project |
SourceDeploy | Project | Delete project |
SourceDeploy | Scenario | Change scenario |
SourceDeploy | Scenario | Create scenario |
SourceDeploy | Scenario | Delete scenario |
SourceDeploy | Stage | Change stage |
SourceDeploy | Stage | Create stage |
SourceDeploy | Stage | Delete stage |
SourcePipeline | Project | Change project |
SourcePipeline | Project | Create project |
SourcePipeline | Project | Delete project |
SourceDeploy (VPC) | Project | Change project |
SourceDeploy (VPC) | Project | Create project |
SourceDeploy (VPC) | Project | Delete project |
SourceDeploy (VPC) | Scenario | Change scenario |
SourceDeploy (VPC) | Scenario | Create scenario |
SourceDeploy (VPC) | Scenario | Delete scenario |
SourceDeploy (VPC) | Stage | Change stage |
SourceDeploy (VPC) | Stage | Create stage |
SourceDeploy (VPC) | Stage | Delete stage |
SourcePipeline (VPC) | Project | Change project |
SourcePipeline (VPC) | Project | Create project |
SourcePipeline (VPC) | Project | Delete project |
상품 | 리소스 유형 | 리소스 작업 이력 |
Cloud Hadoop | Cluster | Attach Public IP |
Cloud Hadoop | Cluster | Create Hadoop Cluster |
Cloud Hadoop | Cluster | Decrease DataNode |
Cloud Hadoop | Cluster | Delete Hadoop Cluster |
Cloud Hadoop | Cluster | Detach Public IP |
Cloud Hadoop | Cluster | Increase DataNode |
Cloud Hadoop | Cluster | Reset Auth Key |
Cloud Hadoop | Cluster | config backup |
Cloud Hadoop | Cluster | reset admin password |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Cluster | Backup Cluster Config |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Cluster | Change Cluster Node Count |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Cluster | Change Cluster Node Spec |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Cluster | Change Login Key |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Cluster | Cluster Config Backup |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Cluster | Create Cluster |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Cluster | Delete Cluster |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Cluster | Reset Password |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Cluster | Save Hive Meta Store |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Notebook | Create Notebook |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Notebook | Delete Notebook |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Server | Change Server Spec |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Server | Create Server |
Cloud Hadoop (VPC) | Server | Delete Server |
Cloud Search | Domain | Change autocomplete complete |
Cloud Search | Domain | Change autocomplete request |
Cloud Search | Domain | Change container complete |
Cloud Search | Domain | Change container request |
Cloud Search | Domain | Change domain name |
Cloud Search | Domain | Change domain type complete |
Cloud Search | Domain | Change domain type request |
Cloud Search | Domain | Change schema complete |
Cloud Search | Domain | Change schema request |
Cloud Search | Domain | Create domain complete |
Cloud Search | Domain | Delete domain complete |
Cloud Search | Domain | Delete domain request |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Change Cluster Node Count Complete |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Change Cluster Node Count Request |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Change SSH Key Complete |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Change SSH Key Request |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Change Search Engine User Password Complete |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Change Search Engine User Password Request |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Change Spec Node Complete |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Change Spec Node Request |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Create Cluster Complete |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Create Cluster Request |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Create Snapshot Complete |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Create Snapshot Fail |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Create Snapshot Partial Fail |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Create Snapshot Request |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Create Snapshot Retry Request |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Create Snapshot Start Fail |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Delete Cluster Complete |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Delete Cluster Request |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Import Job Complete |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Import Job Failed |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Import Job Request |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Import Job Stop |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Release Snapshot Scheduling |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Restart Cluster Complete |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Restart Cluster Request |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Set Authentication Key Complete |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Set Authentication Key Request |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Set Cluster Using CLA Complete |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Set Cluster Using CLA Request |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Cluster | Set Snapshot Scheduling |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Server | Create Server |
Search Engine Service (VPC) | Server | Delete Server |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Change CMAK Password Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Change CMAK Password Request |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Change Cluster Node Count Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Change Cluster Node Count Request |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Change Kafka Config Group Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Change Kafka Config Group Request |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Change Spec Node Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Change Spec Node Request |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Create Cluster Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Create Cluster Request |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Delete Cluster Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Delete Cluster Request |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Disable Public Domain |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Disable Public Endpoint Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Disable Public Endpoint Request |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Download Certification File |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Enable Public Domain |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Enable Public Endpoint Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Enable Public Endpoint Request |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Restart CMAK Service Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Restart CMAK Service Request |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Restart Kafka Cluster Service Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Restart Kafka Cluster Service Request |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Restart Kafka Service Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Restart Kafka Service Request |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Set Cluster Using CLA Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Cluster | Set Cluster Using CLA Request |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | ConfigGroup | Create Kafka Config Group |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | ConfigGroup | Delete Kafka Config Group |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | ConfigGroup | Modify Kafka Config Group |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Server | Create Server |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Server | Delete Server |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Server | Restart CMAK Server Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Server | Restart CMAK Server Request |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Server | Restart Kafka Server Complete |
Cloud Data Streaming Service | Server | Restart Kafka Server Request |
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