Java SDK
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Java SDK
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Java SDK for Swift API
openstack4j 라이브러리를 이용하여 네이버 클라우드 플랫폼[공공기관용] Archive Storage를 사용하는 방법을 설명합니다.
이 문서는 openstack4j 3.1.0 버전을 기준으로 작성되었습니다.
라이브러리를 직접 다운로드 받거나 Apache Maven을 이용하여 사용할 수 있습니다.
라이브러리 다운로드
- 3.1.0 버전 :
Apache Maven으로 이용하기
예제에서 사용하는 user, password는 포탈 마이페이지 > 계정 관리 > 인증키 관리에서 생성한 API 인증키를 사용합니다. (Access Key ID는 user, Secret Key는 password)
projectId와 domainId 정보는 Archive Storage 콘솔에서 이용 신청 후 [API 이용 정보 확인] 버튼을 통해 확인할 수 있습니다.
클라이언트 생성
인증정보를 통해 생성된 토큰 객체로 OS클라이언트를 생성합니다. 클라이언트에서 토큰이 유효하지 않거나 만료되면 자동으로 갱신합니다. 멀티 쓰레드 환경에서 토큰 객체를 공유하여 불필요한 인증 절차를 줄일 수 있습니다.
final String endpoint = "";
final String user = "ACCESS_KEY_ID";
final String password = "SECRET_KEY";
final String domainId = "DOMAIN_ID";
final String projectId = "PROJECT_ID";
Token token = OSFactory.builderV3()
.credentials(user, password, Identifier.byId(domainId))
.scopeToProject(Identifier.byId(projectId), Identifier.byId(domainId))
OSClientV3 client = OSFactory.clientFromToken(token);
// Spawn off a thread giving it the access
myThreadExecutor.submit(new MyRunnableOrCallable(token));
// Example of the Runnable or other object invoked in a new thread
public class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
private OSClientV3 client;
public MyRunnable(Access access) {
client = OSFactory.clientFromToken(token);
public void run() {
// can now use the client :)
모든 오퍼레이션 예제는 위에서 생성한 토큰 객체를 이용합니다.
컨테이너(버킷) 목록 조회
OSClientV3 client = OSFactory.clientFromToken(token);
ObjectStorageContainerService containerService = client.objectStorage().containers();
List<? extends SwiftContainer> containers = containerService.list(ContainerListOptions.create().limit(100));
for (SwiftContainer container : containers) {
컨테이너(버킷) 생성
OSClientV3 client = OSFactory.clientFromToken(token);
ObjectStorageContainerService containerService = client.objectStorage().containers();
String containerName = "sample-container";
// with metadata
// X-Container-Meta-Test-Meta-Key: test-meta-value
Map<String, String> metadata = new HashMap<>();
metadata.put("test-meta-key", "test-meta-value");
ActionResponse response containerService.create(containerName, CreateUpdateContainerOptions.create().metadata(metadata));
컨테이너(버킷) 삭제
OSClientV3 client = OSFactory.clientFromToken(token);
ObjectStorageContainerService containerService = client.objectStorage().containers();
String containerName = "sample-container";
ActionResponse response = containerService.delete(containerName);
오브젝트 업로드
OSClientV3 client = OSFactory.clientFromToken(token);
ObjectStorageObjectService objectService = client.objectStorage().objects();
String containerName = "sample-container";
String objectName = "sample-object.txt";
String contentType = "text/plain";
File file = new File("/tmp/sample-object.txt");
// with metadata
// X-Object-Meta-Test-Meta-Key : test-meta-value
Map<String, String> metadata = new HashMap<>();
metadata.put("test-meta-key", "test-meta-value");
String etag = objectService.put(containerName, objectName, Payloads.create(file),
디렉토리 오브젝트 생성
OSClientV3 client = OSFactory.clientFromToken(token);
ObjectStorageContainerService containerService = client.objectStorage().containers();
String containerName = "sample-container";
String directoryName = "sample-directory";
String etag = containerService.createPath(containerName, directoryName);
오브젝트 목록 조회
OSClientV3 client = OSFactory.clientFromToken(token);
ObjectStorageObjectService objectService = client.objectStorage().objects();
String containerName = "sample-container";
String directoryName = "sample-directory";
// simple
List<? extends SwiftObject> objects = objectService.list(containerName);
for (SwiftObject object : objects) {
// list for directory
List<? extends SwiftObject> objectsForDirectory = objectService.list(containerName,
for (SwiftObject object : objectsForDirectory) {
오브젝트 다운로드
OSClientV3 client = OSFactory.clientFromToken(token);
ObjectStorageObjectService objectService = client.objectStorage().objects();
String containerName = "sample-container";
String objectName = "sample-object.txt";
String downloadPath = "/tmp/sample-object.txt";
DLPayload payload =, objectName);
File file = new File(downloadPath);
오브젝트 삭제
OSClientV3 client = OSFactory.clientFromToken(token);
ObjectStorageObjectService objectService = client.objectStorage().objects();
String containerName = "sample-container";
String objectName = "sample-object.txt";
ActionResponse response = objectService.delete(containerName, objectName);
대용량 파일 업로드(SLO)
OSClientV3 client = OSFactory.clientFromToken(getToken());
ObjectStorageObjectService objectService = client.objectStorage().objects();
String containerName = "sample-container";
String objectName = "sample-big-file.mp4";
String contentType = "video/mp4";
String segmentContainerName = "segment-container";
String segmentPrefix = "segments-for-sample-big-file.mp4/segment-";
List<Map<String, Object>> segmentInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
File file = new File("/tmp/sample.mp4");
FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(file);
int bufferSize = 1024 * 1024 * 10; // 10MB
byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
int segmentNo = 1;
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
Map<String, Object> segmentInfo = new HashMap<>();
InputStreamPayload payload = new InputStreamPayload(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer, 0, bytesRead));
String etag = objectService.put(segmentContainerName, segmentPrefix + segmentNo, payload);
segmentInfo.put("path", "/" + segmentContainerName + "/" + segmentPrefix + segmentNo);
segmentInfo.put("etag", etag);
segmentInfo.put("size_bytes", bytesRead);
String manifest = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(segmentInfoList);
String etag = objectService.put(containerName, objectName,
Payloads.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(manifest.getBytes())),
ObjectPutOptions.create().queryParam("multipart-manifest", "put").contentType(contentType));
대용량 파일 Segments 조회(SLO)
OSClientV3 client = OSFactory.clientFromToken(token);
ObjectStorageObjectService objectService = client.objectStorage().objects();
String containerName = "sample-container";
String objectName = "sample-big-file.mp4";
ObjectListOptions options = ObjectListOptions.create();
options.getOptions().put("multipart-manifest", "get");
List<? extends SwiftObject> objects = objectService.list(containerName + "/" + objectName, options);
for (SwiftObject object : objects) {
대용량 파일 삭제(SLO)
OSClientV3 client = OSFactory.clientFromToken(token);
ObjectStorageObjectService objectService = client.objectStorage().objects();
String containerName = "sample-container";
String objectName = "sample-big-file.mp4";
ActionResponse response = objectService.delete(ObjectLocation.create(containerName, objectName),
ObjectDeleteOptions.create().queryParam("multipart-manifest", "delete"));
이 문서가 도움이 되었습니까?